New Earth: The Sedna/Kern Incident. R.D. MDiv Pittman

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Название New Earth: The Sedna/Kern Incident
Автор произведения R.D. MDiv Pittman
Жанр Научная фантастика
Издательство Научная фантастика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456606022

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for the foreseeable future. It also reminded Alex to check with the 21st Space Wing at Peterson to be sure access was provided to their six satellites through his command center in Idaho. Alex approached Mike and said he wanted to speak with him privately in his office.

      “Mike, I’m placing you in charge of all military personnel in the Coeur d’Alene basin. Accordingly, I am promoting you to Captain; I took the liberty of obtaining these eagles for you.” Alex pinned the shiny eagle rank insignias on Mike’s collar; shook his hand and rendered a salute. Mike snapped a salute back in response.

      “General, I’m honored, especially since it comes from you, I will not let you down.”

      “I know you won’t Mike. Now you need to do what I just did, and promote one of your Seals to take over as commander of that unit.”

      “I have just the man in mind, Chief Petty officer Hank Granderson. We’ve been together for six years now.”

      “That’s your decision to make, whoever it is, has some mighty big shoes to fill.”

      Alex was finished for the day, it was nearly eight o’clock and he was getting hungry. He walked up to Sandi.

      “Hey beautiful, how about a date tonight?”

      “And what exactly did you have in mind Mr. Hanken?” patting him on the chest.

      “Steak dinner, a little wine, and a lot of love talk.”

      “You’re on, how about going to the resort steak house?”

      “My thoughts exactly,” Alex said slipping his arm around her as they walked out of the facility. After getting into one of the SUV’s parked out front, he alerted Tina to where he and Sandi were going. Tina protested.

      “General, how am I supposed to protect you if I’m here and you’re there?” Tina protested, she was obviously quite upset.

      “Tina, calm down, Sandi and I want a little private time together is all, okay?” Alex pleaded.

      “I’ll leave you alone, just so you know I’ll be nearby. You’re taking an unnecessary risk leaving the bunker without a security team around you. Your safety is critical to our survival, and my little baby boy is depending on you,” she said as she started crying.

      Alex clicked off the cell phone, turned the SUV around and headed back to the bunker. Tina was right, he was being shortsighted, and everyone looked to him for leadership and support.

      “Well, how do you feel about peanut butter, crackers and a beer?”

      “Alex, as long as I’m with you nothing else matters.” Sandi kissed him as they got out of the SUV and walked back into the bunker just as Tina hurried to catch up with them. Alex put his arm around Tina and told her he loved her too much to ever disappoint her.

      “You’re right Tina. Alex is too important to all of us to take that kind of a risk,” Sandi admitted.

      “I know what I’ll do; I’ll reserve the hotel steak house for you two tomorrow night, no one else around, just the two of you. Mike, Bill and I will set up security outside the restaurant. How does that sound?”

      “And how will you get the restaurant to agree to that?” Sandi asked.

      “I’ll make them an offer they can’t refuse,” Tina mocked Alex.

      “Isn’t she terrific Sandi?” Alex said with pride.

      Mike came sprinting out of his suite with Bill and Ted close on his heels. They stopped short as they caught a glimpse of the three returning to the bunker.

      Bending over trying to catch his breath, his hands on his knees, Jeffers spoke.

      “Jesus Christ, Alex you scared the shit out of all of us.”

      “General, please I’m begging you, don’t take your life so lightly, you’re the leader, you provide the path and the inspiration, without your guidance I don’t know how or if we’d get through all of this,” Mike said emphatically, clearly choked up.

      “Okay, so I screwed up this time, but hear this. I don’t want to ever hear any of you say such things again. Each of you is supremely talented. If I were to drop dead tomorrow, you would not only pick up where I left off, but you would succeed. I don’t want to hear you guys sell yourself short ever again. Oh, and by the way, I love all of you.” With that Alex and Sandi turned and walked to their suite.

      “I think we just got kissed on the cheek while getting kicked in the ass,” Ted grinned.

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