Salmon Scallops.
Fricassee of Sweetbreads.
Raw Tomatoes.
Roasted Potatoes.
Baked Cherry Dumplings.
Ox-head Soup.
Corned Beef.
Mashed Turnips.
Mashed Potatoes.
Green Peas.
Raspberries and My Lady’s Cake.
Rice and Tapioca Soup.
Smothered Chicken.
Mashed Squash.
Beets Sautés.
Cream Pudding.
Green Pea Soup.
Beef Miroton.
Asparagus Omelette.
Tomato Salad.
Mountain Custard, or “Junket.”
Tea and Fancy Biscuits.
Vermicelli Soup.
Young Onions.
Potato Puffs.
Strawberries and Cream.
Mother’s Cup-Cake.
Julienne Soup.
Lamb Cutlets.
Purée of Green Peas.
Potato Strips.
Ristori Puffs.
Jelly Soup.
Stewed Sheep’s Tongues.
Potatoes à la Louise.
Lima Beans.
Raspberry Shortcake with Cream.
Halibut Chowder.
Chicken Pot-pie, with Dumplings.
Baked Tomatoes.
Charlotte Russe.
Cream Soup.
Boiled Mutton.
Hot Slaw.
Buttered Potatoes.
Cherry Roley-Poley.
Mutton, Rice, and Tomato Broth.
Glazed Ham.
Potatoes au Gratin.
Stewed Lima Beans.