The story moves back and forth in time from the arrival of Thea from her isolated village in arctic Norway in search of a new life in the near wilderness of a small town and logging camp on the shore of Lake Superior to the travails of her orphaned son, Odd, some twenty years later. When Thea’s aunt and uncle do not meet her boat as planned, she’s initially left abandoned with no money or prospects and without speaking the language. Befriended by a local businessman and apothecary with secrets of his own, she obtains work as a cook in the nearby logging camp. While living through one of the coldest and threatening winters in memory, she is raped by an itinerant peddler and petty criminal. She delivers the baby in a blinding snowstorm the next fall, attended by her original benefactor and his “daughter” who is also the town’s surgeon and midwife, but she soon dies of childbirth complications. The apothecary, Grimm, takes the infant into his household and the boy is raised more or less by the entire town, eventually growing up under Grimm’s influence to be a fisherman, smuggler for Grimm’s whiskey trade, and a boat builder. Still, he struggles to find himself and to reconcile the loss of his mother, and he becomes increasingly troubled by Grimm’s criminal enterprises and dirty secrets until an unlikely love affair puts everything on a collision course.
Recently, Grand Central Publishing announced plans for a prequal to Mario Puzo's The Godfather, to be written by our very own Ed Falco – of whom the New York Times Book Review noted, «There is in Mr. Falco's fiction a little of Raymond Carver's sensitivity to the menace of the everyday, and a lot of Andre Dubus's sturdy empathy with his characters' failings and regrets.»The Family Corleone will hit bookstores everywhere in May – but you don't need to wait that long to read Falco and discover why he is such an obviously perfect choice for the Corleone family. You can read excerpts now from the «compelling,» «vivid,» «intense,» and «brilliant» books of master storyteller, Ed Falco.This sampler includes excerpts from:SAINT JOHN OF THE FIVE BORUOUGHS – a beautifully turned, stunning and layered novel about the effects of violence, abandonment, and the nature of redemption. Edward Falco once again proves to be a master of urgency and suspense, of events careening out of control, as he brilliantly explores why we make the choices we make – both the ones that threaten to destroy our lives, and those choices that might save us.WOLF POINT – a taut, dramatic literary thriller that examines betrayal, trust and forgiveness. Driven as much by its sizzling story as by it razor-sharp prose, Wolf Point delivers the powerful tale of a man who realizes, perhaps too late, that he actually has something to live for. Edward Falco brings stunning emotional depth and tense action to unforgettable characters as they journey toward places where human illusions fail and they must face their hidden selves.SABBATH NIGHT IN THE CHURCH OF THE PIRANHA – for some years now, Ed Falco has quietly established his place among the absolute best American storytellers. Falco's stories are dangerous as a high-wire act without a net, filled with dramatic action and peopled with believable characters challenged by events into making risky moral choices, so emotionally true that the readers will carry them around for a long time. The decisions Falco's characters make reveal their bonds, the set of their hearts, and the harsh nature of the world we all live in today.
Дрейк недавно узнал, что он Повелитель драконов! И теперь он живёт в королевском замке и учится магии и уходу за своим собственным драконом. Но случилась беда: заболела драконица по имени Кепри. Никакие снадобья и лечебные зелья ей не помогают. Тогда Дрейк со своим драконом отправляется на другой конец света. Именно там он найдёт ответ, что же на самом деле случилось с Кепри и как её спасти!
Deon Opperman het televisiekykers geboei met sy epiese familiesage Hartland. Hierdie omvangryke Boere-Dallas word nou ’n groots opgesette roman waarin Opperman se meesterskap as storieverteller sorg vir ’n pakkende leeservaring. Hartland vertel die verhaal van drie Afrikaanse families, van die bloedlyn wat hulle bind, en die manier waarop botsende drome en ambisies hulle voortdryf na ’n onvermydelike ontmoeting met die noodlot. Die moderne lewe met sy maalkolk van sosiale, politieke en ekonomiese werklikhede vorm die agtergrond van ’n verhaal wat toon hoe menslik almal se swakhede is en hoe medemenslikheid hulle dit te bowe laat kom. Die leesplesier lê in die detail waarmee Opperman kleiner kwinte en kwale teken, en die ontknoping van die drie familieverhale word ’n magtige emosionele oomblik waarin die harde werklikheid van ons land vir almal ’n pad vorentoe uitstippel. Die TV-teks is verwerk deur Kerneels Breytenbach. Vir die eerste keer word die volle verhaal van Hartland hier vertel.
В середине лета в Муми-доле стояла страшная жара. Семейство муми-троллей и их друзья совершенно извелись и постоянно ссорились. Чтобы хоть немного освежиться, они решают отправиться на морской берег, где находят лодку. Куда плыть? На какой-нибудь остров. Но что их там ждёт? Истории о муми-троллях и других обитателях Муми-дола знают и любят по всему миру уже долгие годы. Классический оригинальный рассказ Туве Янссон о дружбе теперь адаптирован специально для малышей. «Муми-тролли и остров хатифнаттов» выходит теперь отдельным изданием. А ещё эту историю можно найти в сборнике «Муми-тролли и новые истории Муми-дола».
Тур Оге Брингсвярд – очень известный писатель. Он сочиняет книги и для взрослых, и для детей. Но самый знаменитый его герой – Руффен, маленький морской змей. Однажды Руффен увидел корабль-призрак – «Летучий голландец». Все его боятся, считают, что встреча с ним приносит несчастья. Капитан корабля обречен вечно скитаться по морям и океанам. А Руффену жаль Капитана. Отважный морской змей сделает все возможное, чтобы ему помочь.
Не входи в пещеру! Маленькие динозавры Роки, Кроха, Мазу и Билл ужасно боятся того, кто там живёт. Конечно, следовало бы последовать совету, но должны же они где-то спрятаться от жуткого Гигантозавра. Очутившись в тёмной пещере, динозаврики начинают искать дорогу домой. Малыши узнают много интересного об эпохе динозавров, а ещё о том, как победить свои страхи, что такое дружба, почему важно соблюдать меры безопасности.
The first installment of the Children of War Saga. After losing their parents to a war, teenagers Matakh and Meea find themselves in the midst of a world torn apart by violence and prejudice. And as chaos continues to spread, they find themselves tasked with protecting other children from the dangers of conflict.
After a storm sinks his ship, the laconic pirate Nagai Sho finds himself stranded alone, far from home, on an abandoned island. Or so he'd thought until the mysterious yet alluring denizen of this island appears before him: a vision of high cheekbones, dark catlike eyes that speak of grief, long hair black as an island night and enticing hips. But… Male. This evasive being, Rei, brings with him more questions than answers: Where did he come from, when there is nobody else here? And what does he really want? Why does Rei know how to read the currents expertly and fish, but appears to have never seen a compass before nor tried to find his way away from this place until Sho found him? And… As time passes, another question reveals itself to Sho: What does he himself want now? For as he lies under the stars with Rei's slender body nestled next to him in the moonlight, stroking the man's cheeks that are still damp with fresh tears, Sho finds that he isn't so sure that he can leave just yet…