English In The World Series

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    New perspectives in Audiovisual Translation


    The aim of this book is to contribute to the dissemination of current research carried out by young scholars who are starting to build promising careers in the field of audiovisual translation. Although it is by no means an exhaustive collection of state-of-the-art approaches to AVT, this publication offers a carefully chosen list of research perspectives that are worth exploring in the current technologised landscape that this area of translation has become.Therefore, it represents a select yet judicious group of studies, with the added strength that the contributions presented here are not limited to academic circles, but rather offer different points of view from various angles, given the diverse profiles that characterizes the authors. Thus, each chapter deals with the subject of AVT from an academic, educational or professional perspective. As diverse as their approaches are, all the young authors who have collaborated to create this volume offer enriching perspectives that reflect the potential that AVT still has today and the prospective studies that are worth undertaking to continue enriching the field of AVT.

    El espejismo del producto

    Javier Ruiz Medina

    En el mundo actual, en el que la mirada del emisor del mensaje traspasa y cautiva, el lenguaje se vislumbra como una fuerza capaz de influenciar y marcar todo aquello que toca con la propia percepción del emisor, que se convierte en persuasor. Este libro investiga y analiza el mundo de la persuasión en el sector automovilístico, sus técnicas más eficaces. Los puntos tratados pretenden aportar mayor claridad al tema con el objetivo de entender sus procesos facilitando la venta de un producto y la comprensión de las decisiones de compra. Todo ello ha sido tratado de una forma multidisciplinar desde la Teoría de la Relevancia de Dan Sperber y Deirdre Wilson (1986/1995) y sus conexiones con la moderna neurolingüística. La estructuración de los temas, así como el estudio de la pragmática y el marketing, otorgan a esta obra un valor divulgativo y pedagógico.

    The Politeness/Impoliteness Divide

    Saida Anssari-Naim

    This book aims to explore the contribution that Moroccan Arabic and the cultural code associated with this language makes to the theoretical discourse on politeness. It focuses on the way in which significant speech acts such as expressing gratitude, invitations and compliments are managed. The specific treatment of these speech acts shows a particular viewpoint on how human beings are involved in the act of communicating. In this context, politeness is revealed to be more than a mere strategy for «saving face» in social interactions. Politeness is a strategy to preserve community values and to construct personal identities related to these values. What may seem to be a deviant and odd practice of politeness from a Western perspective turns out to have a deeper conceptual and cultural justification.

    Exploring evaluative, emotive and persuasive strategies in discourse


    This volume delves into the discursive construction of three closely linked linguistic functions: evaluation, emotion, and persuasion in order to explore how they may intertwine. The discourse genres examined comprise business pitches, political debates, media discourse, fiction, social networks, etc., either in English or Spanish. The editors bring together a miscellanea of papers written by scholars from different Spanish universities and with different research backgrounds to deal with diverse topics under the general premise that an evaluative process underlies every persuasive act and that persuasion is commonly achieved by emotive discourse.

    Focusing on Audiovisual Translation Research


    The aim of this volume is to make a statement on the importance of research on Audiovisual Translation, both in its different varieties of production (dubbing, subtitling, surtitling, voice-over and e-learning) and in its relationship with language acquisition. On the whole, it is a merging of applied theory and practice, with a willingness to encourage a dialogue between scholars specialized in this field that may expand to other fields.

    The Neglected Poetry

    Maria Luisa González Biosca

    This book collects for the first time a compendium of poems written in English by brigadists, sanitary personnel and journalists that participated or were involved in the Spanish Civil War, as well as by intellectuals, writers and journalists that supported the republican cause from the outside. The anthology starts from a previous historical framework in which this poetic legacy has been contextualized, to know where, when, how and why these poems were written, and who wrote them or who were their protagonists. All these analyses have served to understand the causes of why this poetic legacy has been denied and has not received the recognition it deserves today.

    Conceptual Integration Theory in Idiom Modifications

    Nihada Delibegović Džanić

    The long-standing view that idioms are formally and thus also semantically fixed has been challenged and many studies have shown that idioms are indeed flexible both structurally and semantically to varying degrees. We often come across examples of creatively used idioms, with their original structure disrupted and their semantics affected in the process. This book investigates the phenomenon of innovation and creation in phraseology and examine the limits to innovation, i.e. question whether modified idioms are choreographed by a set of principles or constraints, and whether these principles are coherent. The Conceptual Integration Theory is used to analyze modified phraseological units in order to provide insights into mechanisms which regulate their creation and cognitive organization. This theory not only provides insight into the way we produce, but also gives clues about the ways in which we process modified figurative expressions. The Conceptual Integration Theory seems to offer us the key for unlocking the internal cognitive choreography of idiom modifications presented in our corpus.

    Escandalizar al inocente

    Juan José Calvo García de Leonardo

    Como es bien sabido, el cuento tiene una función pedagógica connatural. Por ello, los cuentos, como los mitos, habrán de revestirse de los elementos externos culturales que le permitan al destinatario aceptarlos como propios de su entorno físico o, en su defecto, de sus coordenadas metafísicas y morales. Cada núcleo narrativo se puede adaptar a cada cultura con un discurso distinto. Por lo tanto, entra dentro de lo previsible que se reescriban algunos de estos cuentos para satisfacer las premisas ideológicas de cada tiempo. La presente obra analiza la violencia y la sexualidad originales y las alteraciones operadas sobre las mismas en versiones al inglés de doce cuentos de los siglos XVII al XIX, escritos por Charles Perrault, Jeanne Marie Leprince de Beaumont, Jacob y Wilhelm Grimm, la condesa de Ségur, Heinrich Hoffmann y Wilhelm Busch.

    New Insights into Gendered Discursive Practices: Language, Gender and Identity Construction

    Группа авторов

    This volume adopts a discourse and feminist approach to post-feminist media cultures and provides cutting edge knowledge of discourse analysis methods as they apply to the study of language and gender in different contexts. Editors Antonia Sánchez Macarro and Ana Belén Cabrejas Peñuelas bring together key discourse analysts to write about topics such as the construction of gendered identities in the (new) media; young women's online and offline gendered and sexualized self-representations; and the analysis of discursive practices in the context of higher education. This volume will serve as an invaluable tool for researchers and students interested in language, gender and discourse analysis.

    Appraising Digital Storytelling across Educational Contexts


    The impact of digital storytelling all over the world cannot be disputed. It has become the perfect bridge between both traditional and new ways of engaging the creation and transmission of stories and has been successfully implemented across social and educational contexts. This volume brings together a selection of articles that explore such implementation in various educational fields and levels from kindergarten to university, and also in programmes of continuing education throughout the world. While presenting creative experiences and contributing practical advice, the articles also share a common methodological drive: they collect and appraise objective data to show how digital storytelling practices are a strong asset to the 21st century classroom. Each article critically explores the key role played by digital storytelling activities in the development and strengthening of multimodal literacies, cognitive engagement, creativity, research and information handling, communicative skills in a foreign language, self-confidence, and collaborative learning, among others. All in all, digital storytelling projects foster the creation of peer-assisted learning communities and also becomes a valuable resource to teachers seeking to revitalize their pedagogical practice.