Harvard Business Review Paperback Series

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    Harvard Business Review on Succeeding as an Entrepreneur

    Harvard Business Review

    If you need the best practices and ideas for launching new ventures—but don’t have time to find them—this book is for you. Here are nine inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place.This collection of HBR articles will help you:• Zero in on your most promising prospects• Set a clear direction for your start-up• Test and revise your assumptions along the way• Tackle risks that could sabotage your efforts• Carve out opportunities in emerging markets• Launch a start-up within your company• Hand over the reins when it’s time

    Harvard Business Review on Advancing Your Career

    Harvard Business Review

    If you need the best practices and ideas for achieving career growth and fulfillment–but don't have time to find them–this book is for you. Here are 9 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place.This collection of HBR articles will help you:– Break out of a career rut- Earn a spot on your company's high-potential list- Find out what's really holding you back- Get the kind of mentoring that leads to a promotion- Groom yourself for an external move- Turn the job you have into the job you want- Crack the code of C-suite entry- Take control of your career after being fired

    Harvard Business Review on Winning Negotiations

    Harvard Business Review

    Persuade others to do what you want–for their own reasons.If you need the best practices and ideas for making deals that work–but don't have time to find them–this book is for you. Here are 10 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place.This collection of HBR articles will help you:– Seal or sweeten a bargain by uncovering the other side's motives- Conquer faulty assumptions to make the right deals- Forge deals only when they support your strategy- Set the stage for a healthy relationship long after the ink has dried- Make promises you can keep- Gain your adversaries' trust in high-stakes talks- Know when to walk away