Mysteries and Secrets

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    The World's Greatest Unsolved Mysteries

    Patricia Fanthorpe

    People disappear without a trace. Captain Briggs, his crew, and his family vanished from the Canadian built Mary Celeste. Ben Bathurst walked around the horses harnessed to his coach – and was never seen again. People appear without explanation Kaspar Hauser arrived in Nuremberg as inexplicably as if he’d materialised from some unknown dimension. Researchers of the paranormal have investigated cases where thought-forms seem to have acquired quasi-physical properties. Madame Blavatsky claimed to have done it. There were times when Nikola Tesla, the brilliant electrical experimenter, seems to have lived in an alternative reality where mental images of his machines became solid to him. Tesla expert, Oliver Nichelson, put forward a theory connecting Tesla’s awesomely strange apparatus at Wardenclyffe, Long Island, with the Tunguska explosion of 1908. Were similar strange forces responsible for moving the Barbados coffins around in their sealed vault? Where do poltergeists, like the one that haunted Esther Cox in Amherst, Nova Scotia, get their inexplicable energy? When scores of reliable witnesses continue to report their sightings of UFOs, ghosts, crop circles, lake monsters, enormous cat-like beasts, Yeti, and Sasquatch, how can their observations be explained? We live in an immeasurably strange universe, miraculously suspended in space and time: a universe that has room for the mysteries of the ancient British King Arthur, Merlin, and the Holy Grail; the Oak Island Money Pit in Canada; the undeciphered Glozel Alphabet, and the Priest’s Treasure at Rennes-le-Chateau in France; Mermaids and Sea Monsters; the Kingdom of Prester John; the Riddle of the Pictish Stones at Meigle in Scotland; the Vampire of Croglin Grange; Zombies and Wer-beasts; the Devil’s Footprints in Devonshire; the Green Children of Woolpit; Lost Cities and Sunken Islands; Pyramids and Stone Circles; Telepathy, Telekinesis, Teleportation, and Prophecy. The list is endless. The investigations fascinating. The World’s Greatest Unsolved Mysteries invites the reader to accompany Lionel and Patricia Fanthorpe on their many intriguing investigations in Canada and worldwide and their years of research into the unexplained.

    Mysteries and Secrets of Numerology

    Patricia Fanthorpe

    Do the secrets of life lie hidden in numbers? Mysteries and Secrets of Numerology  investigates the ancient and widespread belief that numbers have unexplained powers to influence our lives, everything we do, and everything around us, so that, as the brilliant scientist and philosopher Sir James Hopwood Jeans wrote, «The Great Architect of the Universe now begins to appear as a pure mathematician.» Numerology extends throughout the history of the world – from Pythagoras to the mysteries of ancient Babylonia and India, from Norse runes to Egyptian hieroglyphs and ancient Hebrew Gematria. Names, places, and dates all seem to have mysterious numerological significance. Some are positive and supportive; others appear to be negative and act as warnings. Where does the truth lie? In the face of so much global and historical evidence, and in the light of the power of numbers in nature, science, and technology, the secrets and mysteries of numerology are well worth investigating.

    The World's Most Mysterious People

    Lionel and Patricia Fanthorpe

    Did Rasputin, the mad monk of Tsarist Russia, possess supernatural powers? Who was the mysterious prisoner in the Bastille who has gone down in history as «The Man in the Iron Mask»? Did he possess a priceless secret which Louis XIV desperately wanted to learn? Victorian Britain was terrorized by a weird super-athlete known to the popular press of those days as «Spring-heeled Jack.» Was he just an eccentric gymnast, or could he have been an alien? Who or what was the mysterious man known as the Count of St. Germain whose abnormal powers seemed to defy both time and space – and is he still with us today? What strange powers of prophecy did Coinneach Odhar, the famous Brahan Seer, really possess? Was Bérenger Sauniëre, the enigmatic Priest of Rennes-Le-Château, one of the last guardians of a secret older than the Sphinx? Could the sinister Aleister Crowley have been merely a pathetic victim of self-deception and his own inflated ego, or did he really possess magical powers? What amazing secrets did electrical engineer Nikola Tesla control? Gurdjieff – one of the most amazing men of his time – has never been fully understood: what was the true meaning behind his strangely ambivalent messages? Was Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky a genius with strange paranormal powers, or merely a charlatan and a sensation-seeker? Francis Dashwood of Medmenham Abbey, leader of a sect of the wildest debauchees who roared their way across the eighteenth century, was an expert in the Black Arts. All of these strange, mysterious, and intriguing characters – and many others – are described, examined, and analyzed in The World's Most Mysterious People . This is a collection of remarkable and mysterious people, from all ages and places – including our own. Some the authors have met, others were researched carefully from reliable archives. Some are Canadian, others are from the US, the UK, and all over the world. All are mysterious; all are intriguing; all are worth studying. Can anyone learn to use mysterious powers like theirs? To update what a great thinker once said: «The proper study of people is other human beings.» And the more mysterious those human beings are, the more we shall learn from studying them.

    Satanism and Demonology

    Lionel and Patricia Fanthorpe

    Satanism has been known around the world by many names over the centuries and has involved the shadowy deities of ancient pagan religions. During Christian times, Satanist sorcerers frequently tried to invoke the Devil to make their black magic work. In Satanism and Demonology , the great central questions behind the legends are explored: does Satan, or Lucifer, really exist, and if he does, what dark, anomalous powers does he wield? Authors Lionel and Patricia Fanthorpe begin with an examination of what Satanism is, then explore its earliest, prehistoric history. They track Satanism from the Middle East and ancient Egypt to the European witches and sorcerers of medieval times, and then on through the Renaissance to our present day. The bizarre, uninhibited, satanic rituals, liturgies, and sexual practices are all examined in detail.

    The World's Most Mysterious Murders

    Lionel and Patricia Fanthorpe

    Reading of murder stimulates a powerful response. We are repelled by the horror of it, but, simultaneously, our natural curiosity is strongly aroused. We want to know who did it, and why. Most unsolved murders have no apparent motives – or too many motives. The murders of Sir Harry Oakes in 1943, one of the richest men in Canada, and Christine Demeter, found dead in a blood-soaked garage in Mississauga in 1973 – remain unsolved. In fact, history is full of unsolved murders. Who killed King William Rufus, Edward II, and the Princes in the Tower? Who was Jack the Ripper? Was James Hanratty really guilty of killing Michael Gregson? These mysteries and more are contained in The World's Most Mysterious Murders .

    Unsolved Mysteries of the Sea

    Lionel and Patricia Fanthorpe

    Seas and oceans cover most of the Earth's surface, yet we know less about what lies beneath them than we do about stars and planets millions of miles away. The seas are filled with intriguing mysteries: How were they formed? What gave rise to stories of sirens, mermaids, and mermen? Where did the old pirates and buccaneers hide their treasure? The answers to these questions and more can be found in Unsolved Mysteries of the Sea .

    Mysteries and Secrets of Voodoo, Santeria, and Obeah

    Lionel and Patricia Fanthorpe

    The secrets of Santeria, Voodoo and Obeah are among the oldest enigmas in the world. Their roots go back to pre-historic Africa – perhaps even beyond that. From the 16th century onwards, the slave trade brought these ancient mysteries to the West, where they blended strangely with traditional Christianity: the ancient African gods became identified with legendary saints. This integration of the two faiths slowly evolved to form the many varieties of Santeria, Obeah and Voudoun that are widely practiced throughout the world today. Their characteristic dancing and drumming seem able to invoke strange states of mind in which almost anything is possible. Even stories of zombies – the walking dead – still persist. Is there a rational explanation for them? Contemporary Voudoun priests, priestesses, magicians and enchanters use rare herbs and spices as well as charms, dolls and talismans to control the natural world in ways that science cannot always explain. Accounts of their inexplicable successes are examined in depth. Most intriguing of all are the claims that are made for their love philtres and aphrodisiacs. What powers do these old religions still possess?

    Mysteries and Secrets of the Templars

    Lionel and Patricia Fanthorpe

    Unsolved mysteries surround the remarkable men known as the Templars. Their ancient origins go back much further than their well-known adventures in the Middle East in the twelfth century. They knew that ancient secrets were waiting to be rediscovered and, perhaps, reactivated. They could generate labyrinthine codes – and decipher those that others had created in the remote past. But no real understanding of Templarism is possible without examining what became of their noble order after the treacherous attack of 1307. King Philip le Bel did not succeed in destroying all Templars – many escaped, including their fleet. Where did they go? Where are they now? What are their continuing purposes today?

    Mysteries and Secrets of the Masons

    Lionel and Patricia Fanthorpe

    Our world is mysterious and conspiratorial. Networking is key – people who exercise power accept that success depends upon who you know. Some of these networks are obvious and visible, while others are hidden. Criminals and fundamentalist cults are sinister – but some secret societies help and guard us. There are wheels within wheels. Unsuspected power sources are interconnected. Concealed watchers and listeners monitor phones, emails, and the Internet. Knowledge is power – and secret knowledge is greater power. Masonry has many secrets. Signs, codes, ciphers, passwords, and symbols abound – for those who recognize their meanings. Masons are prominent throughout the world today in academic circles, armed services, police, government, commerce and industry, finance, and medicine. What are their aims and how important is their influence? Researchers believe some of Masonry's famous members have included Edward VIII, George VI, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, General Douglas MacArthur, Gene Autry, and Virgil Grisson

    Secrets of the World's Undiscovered Treasures

    Lionel and Patricia Fanthorpe

    Treasures of many kinds still lie hidden below crumbling castles and ruined monasteries; in macabre tombs; in subterranean labyrinths and sinister caverns. Many sunken treasures lie beneath the seas, oceans and lakes of the world. Vast stores of pirate gold are still hidden on many a real life treasure island such as Oak Island at Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia. Many treasures were looted, hidden and lost after the two World Wars – Hermann Goering, for example, one of most powerful leaders of Nazi Germany, is strongly suspected of hiding huge treasures at Veldenstein and Lake Zeller. This fascinating, expertly researched book brilliantly reveals all these unsolved mysteries. The final section covers useful ideas for treasure-seekers: the study of old maps and charts; coded messages; secret symbols; and intensive research into the lives and locations of those people through out history who probably in all certainty, had treasure to hide.