Kant´s Notion of a Transcendental Schema. Lara Scaglia

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Название Kant´s Notion of a Transcendental Schema
Автор произведения Lara Scaglia
Жанр Философия
Серия Studia philosophica et historica
Издательство Философия
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783631821459

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the nature of intellectual representations in a merely negative way, namely, to state that they were not modifications of the soul brought about by the object. However, I silently passed over the further question of how a representation that refers to an object without being in any way affected by it can be possible. I had said The sensuous representations present them as they are. But by what means are these things given to us, if not by the way in which they affect us? And if such intellectual representations depend on our inner activity, whence comes the agreement that they are supposed to have with objects […]?” (AA X, p. 130–31)63←55 | 56→

      Moreover, another limitation of the Dissertation can be seen in the fact that, although it states that the difference between understanding and sensibility is not a qualitative one, it is difficult to avoid the thought that the knowledge concerning things uti apparent is somehow inferior to that of the things sicuti sunt (Cassirer 1918). It seems that there are two worlds and that the intelligible one is absolutely separated and opposed to the sensible one, kind of a Platonic ideal world, which can be grasped only when the understanding is freed from the bounds of senses, thus revealing itself as a traditional, metaphysical, perfect realm. As Cassirer states (Cassirer 1918, p. 137) in the Dissertation, Kant assumes a distinction between a purely creative understanding and a purely receptive one. But since our understanding falls not under these two kinds, a new concept of understanding needs to be elaborated by Kant. The overcoming of the separation between these two worlds and accounts of the understanding will be one of the findings of the Critique of Pure Reason.←56 | 57→