Александрия. Тайны затерянного города. Эдмунд Ричардсон

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Название Александрия. Тайны затерянного города
Автор произведения Эдмунд Ричардсон
Год выпуска 2021
isbn 978-5-389-26501-1

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      Ibid., 46.


      Ibid., 46–7.


      Ibid., 42.


      The Calcutta Review, vol. 86 (1888), p. 350.


      Masson, Various Journeys, vol. 3, pp. 85–6.


      Chester County Historical Society, Harlan Papers, ‘Oriental Sketches’, 78.




      Masson, Various Journeys, vol. 1, p. 41.


      Chester County Historical Society, Harlan Papers, ‘Oriental Sketches’, 48.


      Ibid., 78.


      Masson, Various Journeys, vol. 1, p. 32.


      Chester County Historical Society, Harlan Papers, ‘Oriental Sketches’, 10.


      Ibid., 9.


      Ibid., ‘Shah Shujah’, 3.


      Ibid., ‘Oriental Sketches’, 34.


      Ibid., ‘Shah Shujah’, 6–7.


      Ibid., ‘Oriental Sketches’, 179.


      Ibid., 151.


      Ibid., 93.


      Ibid., 92–3.


      Macintyre, Josiah the Great, p. 73.


      Chester County Historical Society, Harlan Papers, ‘Oriental Sketches’, 96.




      Ibid., 95.


      Ibid., 99.


      Macintyre, Josiah the Great, p. 73.


      Chester County Historical Society, Harlan Papers, ‘Oriental Sketches’, 29.




      Ibid., 28–9.


      John F. Riddick, The History of British India, Praeger, Westport, CT, 2006, p. 292.


      The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Miscellany, vol. 34 (March 1841), p. 194.


      George W. Forrest, ed., Selections from the Travels and Journals preserved in the Bombay Secretariat, Government Central Press, Bombay, 1906, p. 103.


      Gordon Whitteridge, Charles Masson of Afghanistan: Explorer, Archaeologist, Numismatist, and Intelligence Agent, Orchid Press, Warminster, 1986, p. 11.


      J. W. Kaye, ‘The Poetry of Recent Indian Warfare’, The Calcutta Review, vol. 11 (1848), p. 223.


      Masson, Various Journeys, vol. 1, p. 1.


      «Льюис, Джеймс, рядовой» – запись в списке личного состава Бенгальской артиллерии от 1 июля 1827 года, а не от 1 июля 1828 года. British Library, IOR/L/MIL/10/147 (1827) and IOR/L/MIL/10/148 (1828).


      British Library, MSS Eur. E.163, 3.


      The Calcutta Review, vol. 2 (1844), p. 474.


      C. Grey and H. L. O. Garrett, European Adventurers of Northern India, 1785 to 1849, Languages Department, Patiala, 1970, p. 211.


      Masson, Various Journeys, vol. 1, p. 45.


      Ibid., p. 54.


      Ibid., p. 55.


      Ibid., p. 56.


      Adapted from Paul Smith, The Divan of Hafiz, New Humanity Books, Melbourne, 1986, Ghazal 10.


      Masson, Various Journeys, vol. 1, pp. 58–9.


      Adapted from Thomas Rain Crowe, Drunk on the Wine of the Beloved: 100 Poems of Hafi z, Shambhala, London, 2001, p. 8.


      Masson, Various Journeys, vol. 1, p. 60.


      Язык пуштунов (афганцев), сейчас – официальный язык Афганистана. – Прим. ред.


      Ibid., p. 63.


      Ibid., p. 73.


      Ibid., p. 82.


      Ibid., p. 70.


      Ibid., p. 76.

