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Machine Vision Inspection Systems, Machine Learning-Based Approaches

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Machine Vision Inspection Systems (MVIS) is a multidisciplinary research field that emphasizes image processing, machine vision and, pattern recognition for industrial applications. Inspection techniques are generally used in destructive and non-destructive evaluation industry. Now a day's the current research on machine inspection gained more popularity among various researchers, because the manual assessment of the inspection may fail and turn into false assessment due to a large number of examining while inspection process. This volume 2 covers machine learning-based approaches in MVIS applications and it can be employed to a wide diversity of problems particularly in Non-Destructive testing (NDT), presence/absence detection, defect/fault detection (weld, textile, tiles, wood, etc.,), automated vision test & measurement, pattern matching, optical character recognition & verification (OCR/OCV), natural language processing, medical diagnosis, etc. This edited book is designed to address various aspects of recent methodologies, concepts, and research plan out to the readers for giving more depth insights for perusing research on machine vision using machine learning-based approaches.

Blockchain for Business

Группа авторов

The book focuses on the power of business blockchain. It gives an overview of blockchain in traditional business, marketing, accounting and business intelligence. The book provides a detailed working knowedge of blockchain, user cases of blockchain in business, cryptocurrency and Initial Coin Offering(ICO) along with the risks associated with them. The book also covers the detailed study of decentralization, mining, consensus, smart contracts, concepts and working of distributed ledgers and hyper ledgers as well as many other important concepts. It also details the security and privacy aspects of blockchain. The book is beneficial for readers who are preparing for their business careers, those who are working with small scale businesses and startups, and helpful for business executives, managers, entrepreneurs, bankers, government officials and legal professionals who are looking to blockchain for secure financial transactions. The book will also be beneficial for researchers and students who want to study the latest developments of blockchain.

The Stranger as My Guest

Michel Agier

The migration crisis of recent years has elicited a double response: on the one hand, many states have responded by tightening border controls, in an attempt to restrict population movements, while on the other hand many citizens have responded by welcoming new arrivals, offering them shelter, food and whatever help they could provide. By so doing, they have re-awakened an old form of anthropology that was long-considered to be dead – that of hospitality. In this book, Agier develops an original anthropology of hospitality that starts from the reality of hospitality as a social relationship, albeit an asymmetrical one, in which each party has rights and duties. He argues that, with the decline of state and religious support, hospitality is now making a comeback at individual and municipal levels but these local initiatives, while important, are insufficient to respond to the scale of migration in the world today. We need a new hospitality policy for the modern era, one that will regard hospitality as a right rather than a favour and will treat the stranger as a guest rather than as an alien or an enemy. This timely and original book will be of great interest to students and scholars in anthropology, sociology and the social sciences generally, and to anyone concerned with migration and refugees in the world today.

The COVID-19 Catastrophe

Richard Horton

This expanded, updated, and completely revised edition of  The COVID-19 Catastrophe  is the authoritative guide to a global health crisis that has consumed the world. Richard Horton, editor of the medical journal  The Lancet , scrutinises the actions taken by governments as they sought to contain the novel coronavirus. He shows that indecision and disregard for scientific evidence has led many political leaders to preside over hundreds of thousands of needless deaths and the worst global economic crisis for three centuries. This new edition provides a systematic discussion of the pandemic’s course, national responses, more transmissible mutant variants of the virus, and the launch of the world’s largest ever vaccination programme. Only now are we beginning to understand the full scale of the COVID-19 crisis. We need to learn the lessons of this pandemic, and we need to learn them fast, because the next pandemic may arrive sooner than we think.

The Enduring Kiss

Massimo Recalcati

The kiss is the image that, perhaps more than any other, encompasses the beauty and poetry of love. Every love is required to maintain the kiss, to make it last. When they kiss, lovers carve out their hiding holes, finding their peace from war. When they kiss, the noise of the world is silenced, its laws broken, time is stolen from its normal continuity. They fall together in their distinct, embraced tongues. The kiss joins the tongue that declares love with the body of the lover. And the extinction of the kiss and, most importantly, of the desire to kiss one’s beloved announces the demise of love. In this short book, Massimo Recalcati – one of Italy’s leading intellectuals and bestselling authors – offers seven brief lessons on the mystery and miracle of love, from the serendipity of the first encounter to its end or its continuation over time, as mysterious and miraculous as the first encounter itself.

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Книгу написал подросток. Эта книга несёт доказательство того, что каждый может создать что-то своё. Книга имеет специфический сюжет. На первый взгляд кажется, что ничего необычного в книге нет. Но это далеко не так. Книга содержит в себе волшебство, ужасы, боевик, семейный рассказ. Эта книга подойдёт для всех членов семьи. Публикуется в авторской редакции с сохранением авторских орфографии и пунктуации.

Вернуть любовь

Tory Tepfer

Можно ли исправить ошибку, совершенную пять лет назад? Как вернуть любовь в сердце того, кому причинила боль? Главное – верить в себя и не отступать, а там сама жизнь поможет. Рассказ больше похож на милую сказку. Но надеюсь, что приятное послевкусие останется. Приятного чтения.

…и басни озорные

Сергей Алексеевич Воропанов

Книга является продолжением ранее вышедших "Озорных частушек", составляя с ней единое целое. Она содержит истории и басни в жанре юмор (чёрный юмор). О чём она? Обо всём. О рождении и смерти, о любви и сексе, о мужчинах и женщинах, самцах и самках, о хохлах и москалях, русских и евреях, о правозащитниках и президенте, и даже о колготках… Издание рекомендуется для чтения исключительно взрослым людям, обладающим чувством юмора. Содержит нецензурную брань.

17 признаний

Джерри Еленко

Добро пожаловать в мир автора. Здесь все самые сумасшедшие идеи и запрещённые темы соединены в одно произведение. Разрыв общепринятых норм морали, устоявшихся шаблонов и стереотипов. 17 признаний – сборник рассказов, герои которых – обыкновенные люди, не побоявшиеся рассказать о своих слабостях, пороках, безответной любви и сумасшедших происшествиях. Содержит нецензурную брань.