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Дух викингов. Введение в мифологию и религию Скандинавии

Дэниэл МакКой

«Дух викингов» – новая книга Дэниела МакКоя, создателя популярного американского сайта «Скандинавская мифология для умных людей», является введением в скандинавскую мифологию. Написанная по научным стандартам, но простым и ясным языком, книга легко читается. В нее вошли пересказы около 40 эпических историй, саг, отражающих таинственную религию викингов, неотъемлемой частью которой были мифы. Что понимали викинги под словом «судьба», как представляли загробную жизнь, какой у них был моральный кодекс, каким образом они исповедали свою религию, на эти и многие другие вопросы автор отвечает в «Духе викингов», открывая для нас неизведанный загадочный мир легендарных северных племен. Издание органично дополняет предисловие антрополога, одного из авторов бестселлера «Страдающее Средневековье» Сергея Зотова. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет.

Хранители полей

Каталина Бенханн

Стоит на окраине села дом – старый, осунувшийся, почти развалившийся. И все его стороной обходят, словно боятся чего-то. И в самом деле, веет за версту от той ветхой хижины чем-то тоскливым да горьким, как бывает, когда на этом месте случилось много людского горя… Дряхлый остов хижины снизу и доверху оброс деревенскими слухами. А я, по вечерам мимо не раз проходя, все задаю себе один и тот же вопрос, глядя в слепые черные прорехи оконных проемов – что же тут было на самом деле?..

Собаки. Популярный иллюстрированный гид

Е. О. Хомич

Мечтаете о верном псе, но не уверены, какая порода подойдет именно вам? Теперь стать настоящим экспертом в мире собак легко – эта книга поможет вам не ошибиться и сделать правильный выбор питомца. Прочитав ее, вы получите массу не только интересной, но и полезной информации о наших четвероногих друзьях: крупных и маленьких, пушистых и гладкошерстных, ленивых и подвижных. Здесь достаточно полно описана каждая порода собак, их характер, внешний вид, а также основные требования по уходу. Издание украшают потрясающие фотографии с указанием основных отличительных особенностей каждой собаки.

Veterinary Endoscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner

Группа авторов

Veterinary Endoscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner, Second Edition , gives veterinarians guidance in incorporating diagnostic endoscopy, interventional endoscopy, and minimally invasive soft tissue surgery into their small animal practices. This highly practical reference supports practitioners in adding and effectively using endoscopy techniques in their practices. With a clinically oriented approach, it focuses on applications for rigid and flexible endoscopy, making comprehensive information on these techniques easily accessible. The book covers soft tissue endoscopy, including airway endoscopy, gastrointestinal endoscopy, diagnostic and operative laparoscopy, diagnostic and operative thoracoscopy, urogenital endoscopy, and otoscopy. Thousands of images, including endoscope images and clinical photographs, enhance the text. Covers diagnostic endoscopy, interventional endoscopy, and minimally invasive soft tissue surgery Includes thousands of images to illustrate endoscopy concepts for veterinarians Provides a clinically oriented reference book for using rigid and flexible endoscopy in a small animal practice Supports veterinarians who are seeking to increase their services and enhance their revenue streams Any practitioner who is using or preparing to use endoscopic techniques will find Veterinary Endoscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner an essential practice resource.

Applications and Metrology at Nanometer Scale 1

Abdelkhalak El Hami

To develop innovations in quantum engineering and nanosystems, designers need to adopt the expertise that has been developed in research laboratories. This requires a thorough understanding of the experimental measurement techniques and theoretical models, based on the principles of quantum mechanics. <p>This book presents experimental methods enabling the development and characterization of materials at the nanometer scale, based on practical engineering cases, such as 5G and the interference of polarized light when applied for electromagnetic waves. Using the example of electromechanical, multi-physical coupling in piezoelectric systems, smart materials technology is discussed, with an emphasis on scale reduction and mechanical engineering applications. <p>Statistical analysis methods are presented in terms of their usefulness in systems engineering for experimentation, characterization or design, since safety factors and the most advanced reliability calculation techniques are included from the outset. This book provides valuable support for teachers and researchers but is also intended for engineering students, working engineers and Master's students.

Seven Essays on Populism

Paula Biglieri

This important intervention interrogates keystone features of the dominant European theoretical landscape in the field of populism studies, advancing existing debates and introducing new avenues of thought, in conjunction with insights from the contemporary Latin American political experience and perspectives. In each essay – the title a nod to the influential socialist thinker José Carlos Mariátegui, from whom the authors draw inspiration – leading Argentine scholars Paula Biglieri and Luciana Cadahia pair key dimensions of populism with diverse themes such as modern-day feminism, militancy, and neoliberalism, in order to stimulate discussion surrounding the constitutive nature, goals, and potential of populist social movements. Biglieri and Cadahia are unafraid to court provocation in their frank assessment of populism as a force which could bring about essential emancipatory social change to confront emerging right-wing trends in policy and leadership. At the same time, this fresh interpretation of a much-maligned political articulation is balanced by their denunciation of right-aligned populisms and their failure to bring to bear a sustainable alternative to contemporary neo-authoritarian forms of neoliberalism. In their place, they articulate a populism which offers a viable means of mobilizing a response to hegemonic forms of neoliberal discourse and government.

Freedom of the Border

Paul Scheffer

There are few issues more contentious today than the nature and purpose of borders. Migration flows and the refugee crisis have propelled the issue of borders into the centre of political debate and revealed our moral unease more clearly than ever. Who are we to deny others access to our territory? Is not freedom of movement a basic human right, one that should be defended above all others? In this book Paul Scheffer takes a different view. Rather than thinking of borders as obstacles to freedom, he argues that borders make freedom possible. Democracy and redistributive justice are only possible with the regulation of access to territories and rights. When liberals ignore an open society’s need for borders, people with authoritarian inclinations will begin to erect them. In the context of Europe, the project of removing internal borders can therefore only be successful if Europe accepts responsibility for its external border. This timely and important book challenges conventional ways of thinking and will be of interest to everyone concerned with the great social and political issues of our time.

Just Deserts

Daniel C. Dennett

The concept of free will is profoundly important to our self-understanding, our interpersonal relationships, and our moral and legal practices. If it turns out that no one is ever free and morally responsible, what would that mean for society, morality, meaning, and the law? Just Deserts  brings together two philosophers – Daniel C. Dennett and Gregg D. Caruso – to debate their respective views on free will, moral responsibility, and legal punishment. In three extended conversations, Dennett and Caruso present their arguments for and against the existence of free will and debate their implications. Dennett argues that the kind of free will required for moral responsibility is compatible with determinism – for him, self-control is key; we are not responsible for becoming responsible, but are responsible for staying responsible, for keeping would-be puppeteers at bay. Caruso takes the opposite view, arguing that who we are and what we do is ultimately the result of factors beyond our control, and because of this we are never morally responsible for our actions in the sense that would make us  truly deserving  of blame and praise, punishment and reward. Just Deserts  introduces the concepts central to the debate about free will and moral responsibility by way of an entertaining, rigorous, and sometimes heated philosophical dialogue between two leading thinkers.