
Различные книги в жанре Эзотерика

Little Meditations

Avinash Jalani

Little Meditations are poems dedicated to those moments when feelings are clustered, those moments when the breathe is slow and deep, those moments when thoughts just pass by, those moments when waiting is the only option, those moments when let go comes with a tear and a smile, those moments when the feelings take over and do not make sense. <br /> These poems are from the journey between those moments and hoping you may drift away in to few moments of transcendence without an artificial pressure to find meaning or purpose. You are here to heal yourself.

Twenty Three Years of Lessons

Dellandra Adams

Twenty Three Years of Lesson is the first book of the seven ‘Twenty Something Chronicles’ series.’<br />“No more wondering if you can make a better future tomorrow, start now.” Life has a funny way of reminding you of what is essential and what isn’t. I couldn’t wait one more moment sulking about what could have been; I had to look towards the future. Allow journaling to be your therapy, ask yourself your most in-depth questions and find your answer and know there are people out there who understand and have the compassion to help you through your darkest hours. Just the fact of not being the only one can help some while for others, not letting their pain shown or known brings solidarity. Some things only God and time can heal, but you can make changes in your day to day life to work towards a better view so that you can see your worth and know your value. Taking steps week by week to own back your power can be your most reliable tool. What better support than an altar of hope? My prayer closet has helped me through some of my darkest hours; I hope that my wisdom and experience can bring some form of grace and peace for you too.<br />Dellandra Adams, a Texas native, a current student at the University of North Texas. The Vice President of P.U.S.H., a student-run organization that advocates and raises awareness in the general public and at the University of North Texas the experiences of youth impacted by the child welfare system with the overall mission of promoting emotional support, resources, fellowship, and a sense of community for foster care alumni pursuing college.

DESTINO: Tu también tienes uno increíble.

Erasmo Malacara

Mark Twain, el gran escritor, dijo en cierta ocación. Que los dos días mas importantes en tu vida son: Cuando naciste y cuando entendiste para que naciste. Cuando a alguien le preguntan; ¿Cuando naciste? es muy fácil que responda cuando nació. Pero cuando se le pregunta ¿Para que?. La mayoría no pueden dar una explicación honesta y clara.

Choose LIFE!

Peggy Scarborough

What do you do when you find your life and health suddenly in peril? Dr. Peggy Scarborough shares the testimony of how she reclaimed her healing-­-and her quality of life­­ when the enemy threatened to kill, or at the very least, permanently disable her. When faced with life or death, you really CAN choose LIFE!


Peggy Caruso

Peggy Caruso's experience as an 8-time entrepreneur, life coach, author, and mother gives her the expertise and personal experience to put together this compelling guide that assists them with success and happiness.


Lisa Yorio

Enter a much darker side of Colorado, among is beautiful landscapes, mountains, and mystical healing waters, there are things lurking in the night. There are many haunted mansions, castles, apartments, inns, parks, hotels cemeteries, B & B's, museums, theatres and houses. Stories taken from a ghosthunter's journal with photographic evidence.

Phantoms & Specters

Lisa Yorio

A journal of true investigations over the past 5 years backed by historical information & photographic evidence. Subjects: Possessed possessions, shadow people, skin walkers, angel visitation, demonic activity, apparitions, UFO abduction, time travel, poltergeist activity, dream communication, angel numbers, orb theories and spirit photography.

Women in Battle

Peggy Scarborough

The complexity of the woman…she is truly one of the most amazing, resilient creatures God ever created. To truly juggle it all, a woman must first have a right relationship with God–and then priorities in line with the way He ordained them for her. She engages in a warfare of a different kind: a warfare on her knees in prayer!.

My Cheat Sheet for Sunday

Michael Larsen

A Preacher's Kid «Cheat Sheet» for Sunday. Yes, I've been to Bible College. Money is about tithes and offerings, some of that tithes is yours. Is 70 times 70 your only perception of Forgiveness? Wine or whatever you're having is more acceptable than you know. Salvation is much easier than you thought.