Ценные бумаги, инвестиции

Различные книги в жанре Ценные бумаги, инвестиции

Raising Awareness of Anticompetitive Behavior in the Financial Sector of the People's Republic of China

Hiroko Uchimura-Shiroishi

The Anti-Monopoly Law, in effect since August 2008, seeks to encourage competition, maintain market order, and facilitates the allocation of resources through open markets in the People's Republic of China (PRC). Studies on the impact of this law on the PRC's financial industry have been limited in scope, hence, the research as published was conducted to fill the gap. This study examines the provisions of the law and the legislation process for them, followed by a discussion of the role of the PRC's anti-monopoly authorities in enforcing the law in the banking, insurance, and securities industries. It looks at monopolistic practices in the financial industry and the mechanisms instituted for supervising and regulating those practices. It then makes conclusions about the current monopoly situation in the PRC's financial industry and policy recommendations for a more effective and efficient enforcement of the said law.

Access to Finance

Kelly Rendek

Mongolia experienced a challenging transition from socialist economy to market economy from 1990 onwards. Its commercial insurance market is still at its infancy, with gross written premiums in 2013 amounting to only 0.54% of gross domestic production. ADB undertook this technical assistance study to support microinsurance development in Mongolia. The study provides an overview of the development of Mongolia's insurance market in general and the microinsurance segment in particular, then identifies gaps in the insurance regulatory framework that need to be bridged to expand microinsurance coverage to more households.

Deep Value Investing

Jeroen Bos

UPDATED & EXTENDED 2ND EDITION – with a brand-new foreword by Merryn Somerset Webb
<b>Let the market come to you</b>
<i>Deep Value Investing</i> by Jeroen Bos is an incredibly candid and revealing guide to the secrets of deep value investment. Written by an investor with a long and remarkable track record, it shares for the first time the ins and outs of finding high-potential undervalued stocks before anyone else.
Deep value investing means finding companies that are genuine bargains that can pay back phenomenally over the long term. They are firms so cheap that even if they were to close tomorrow their assets would pay you out at a profit. But if they can turn things around, the rewards will be many times greater …
These were the favourite shares of Benjamin Graham, author of <i>The Intelligent Investor</i>. Inspired by Graham's classic and with a long history of discovering these great value stocks – sometimes known as 'bargain issues' or 'netnets' – author and investor Jeroen Bos reveals:
– how to use only publicly available information to discover these shares and filter the gold from the dross
– everything he did when analysing, purchasing, monitoring and selling more than ten recent successful deep value investments
– the complete philosophy behind deep value investing, and the ins and outs of this strategy in practice
– what can go wrong and how to minimise the chances of it happening to you.
Deep value investing has a better track record than almost any other approach to the market. Even better, it doesn't require minute and technical knowledge of a company, nor is it fixated on earnings or often-unreliable future projections.
It's all about the balance sheet and patience. This makes it the perfect investing approach for those who want to see phenomenal stock market returns without wasting time or commission costs.

The Essential P/E

Keith Anderson

Краткое содержание книги: Руководство разумного инвестора. Надежный способ получения прибыли на фондовом рынке. Джон Богл

Smart Reading

Этот текст – сокращенная версия книги Джона Богла «Руководство разумного инвестора. Надежный способ получения прибыли на фондовом рынке». Только самые ценные мысли, идеи, кейсы, примеры. О книге «Руководство разумного инвестора. Надежный способ получения прибыли на фондовом рынке» Джона Богла – книга о том, как «простому инвестору» ориентироваться на рынке ценных бумаг. Богл объясняет, почему долгосрочные инвестиции выгоднее краткосрочных, как правильно диверсифицировать инвестиции, почему важно понимать структуру расходов, связанных с инвестированием, как подходить к выбору фонда взаимных инвестиций и почему нельзя полагаться на прошлые показатели того или иного фонда. Автор убежден, что инвестирование в индексные фонды – самое выгодное, и он убедительно доказывает свое мнение. Зачем читать • Разобраться в факторах, влияющих на доходность инвестиций. • Узнать, на что обращать особенно пристальное внимание, выбирая инструменты инвестирования. • Убедиться, что выгоднее всего инвестировать в индексный фонд и понять, как этот фонд выбрать. Об авторе Джон Богл – американский предприниматель, филантроп, создатель одного из самых успешных взаимных фондов в мире – Vanguard Group, и основатель первого индексного фонда для индивидуальных инвесторов, автор многочисленных книг о фондовом рынке и инвестициях во взаимные фонды. В 1999 году журнал Fortune назвал Богла одним из четырех «гигантов инвестиционной индустрии 20-го века», а в 2004 году журнал Time включил Богла в список 100 самых влиятельных людей мира.

Краткое содержание книги: Стандарт биткойна. Децентрализованная альтернатива центральным банкам. Сайфедин Аммус

Smart Reading

Этот текст – сокращенная версия книги Сайфедина Аммуса «Стандарт биткойна. Децентрализованная альтернатива центральным банкам». Только самые ценные мысли, идеи, кейсы, примеры. О книге С тех пор как деньги перестали обеспечиваться золотом, госконтроль превратил их из средства поощрения за производство материальных благ в средство поощрения лояльности правительству. Сейчас центробанки имеют фактически неограниченный доступ к «печатному станку», а это лишает деньги надежности, провоцирует финансовые коллапсы, инфляцию и самым негативным образом влияет на благосостояние людей. Хорошая новость: свободную от цензуры, трансграничную альтернативу централизованному банкингу способен обеспечить биткойн. Плохая новость: после резкого взлета цена биткойна пошла вниз, и дальнейшие его перспективы не так уж очевидны. И все же, несмотря на обвал биткойна и уменьшение совокупной стоимости всех цифровых активов, профессор экономики Ливанского Американского Университета в Бейруте Сайфиддин Аммус настроен в отношении ведущей мировой криптовалюты весьма оптимистично. Прочитайте саммари его книги «Стандарт Биткойна» – вы окунетесь в 2500-летнюю увлекательную историю денег и оцените, стоит ли вкладывать в валюту в виде программного кода монеты и банкноты. Зачем читать • узнать, какое влияние на экономику и политику оказывают слабые и сильные валюты; • погрузиться в мир майнинга и понять, что-такое биткойн на самом деле, чем он отличается от блокчейна и откуда взялось так много других криптовалют; • задуматься о плюсах и минусах инвестирования в биткойн. Об авторе Сайфиддин Аммус (Saiffedean Ammous) – выпускник Колумбийского университета и Лондонской Школы Экономики, автор многочисленных статей о блокчейне и криптовалютах, в настоящее время является профессором экономики в бизнес-школе Ливанского Американского Университета в Бейруте.

Tramline Trading

John Burford

A straightforward, winning trading method
There are certain universal chart patterns that are traced out time and time again by markets – these patterns have stood the test of time and can be instantly recognised by a skilled trader. When you learn how to spot these patterns and use them to forecast market action you have the basis of a winning trading method. Tramline Trading is a complete practical guide that shows you precisely how to do this.
The Tramline Trading Method described here is a simple and complete system which combines Fibonacci levels, basic Elliott Wave Theory and John Burford's original tramline concepts. It is based on a small number of highly reliable patterns and can be put to use in any market. Every detail of how to put the method into practice is revealed, including how to spot developing patterns for high-probability, low-risk trades, where to place entry orders and stop losses, and the five best setups to look out for. Full colour chart illustrations are used throughout.
As well as describing the method in full detail, John Burford also provides day-by-day trading diaries for four-month trading campaigns in gold and the Dow. These invaluable diaries show the mind of the trader as he surveys real-time market action and provide vital insight into how the trading method is used in real trading.
If you are looking for a proven trading method that is reliable and easy to execute then Tramline Trading will put you on the right track. It is the essential new guide to a winning trading approach.

The Future is Small

Gervais Williams

In a financial world dominated by gigantism, the beauty of smallness hasn't had much of a look in. Yet beyond the credit boom, globalisation has been found wanting, with growth hard to find. Could it be that small firms are set to be the stock market outperformers of the future?
This book confounds the current 'big is better' consensus, with Gervais Williams' extraordinary data showing why smallness offers an effective path for investors beyond the financial crisis.
But this book is about so much more than just the case for small being beautiful. It also explains why the unique characteristics of AIM – the UK market for smaller, growing companies – will be a place of extraordinary vitality in the coming years.

The Emerging Markets Handbook

Pran Tiku

Tomorrow's booming economies are today's emerging markets. Overlooked by most investors, these markets offer serious opportunities for those prepared to move ahead of the crowd and take their investing off the beaten path.
If you're an investor unafraid of the unfamiliar and looking to carve out extraordinary opportunities in new markets, this book should be your starting point.
THE EMERGING MARKETS HANDBOOK provides investors with a highly detailed examination of 18 countries that could host the stock market stars of the future – from Chile and China to Thailand and Turkey.
At its heart is an analysis of the 18 economies' strength and potential for growth. This assessment is based on the ten crucial drivers of growth, including demographics, business conditions, capital markets and more. Following exhaustive research into the numbers behind each of these drivers, Pran Tiku is able to draw on a wealth of data from respected sources to form conclusions about the current position and future prospects of each market. He illustrates this data with explanatory charts and tables, allowing readers to trace recent trends and compare this to where the countries stand now.
Providing a groundbreaking ranking of all emerging markets, the author goes on to sort them into standouts, in-betweeners and strugglers. This means you can truly see which markets offer the most commanding opportunities, which have room for development and which currently present a poorer investment case.
Finally, the HANDBOOK concludes with a look at investment vehicles that can be used to access emerging market investments and a survey of the industries and companies that are likely to be the primary players within these 18 economies in the future.
THE EMERGING MARKETS HANDBOOK is your indispensable guide to finding the future's hottest markets. No investor can afford to be left behind.

Taming the Lion

Richard Farleigh

Richard Farleigh reveals the 100 secret strategies that he developed to enable him to succeed in the markets.
During his time running a trading desk, Farleigh set out to develop a repeatable methodology based on observation and reasoning, not just on one-off flukes and luck, to enable him to outperform the market on a regular basis.
The (potentially controversial) beliefs that he incorporates into his strategies include:
– Markets tend to under-react, not overreact. – Big, obvious ideas offer great opportunities. – It is safe to invest with a consensus view. – Contrarian trading is usually irrational. – It is best to enter and exit the share market at the right times instead of always staying invested. – Price trends are well known but under-utilised. – Chartists are just astrologers. – Investment and trading are increasingly similar.
Some of the techniques simply involve being better than other investors at some of the basics, including only chasing genuine opportunities, managing risks and coping with losses.
As his trading results started to attract some attention, Farleigh was frequently asked to give presentations of his ideas to other professional traders. From the feedback during these sessions he realised that others were interested in an approach to investing which was based on first principles. Finding that anecdotes were the best way to make a point, and that ideas could be summarised into numbered strategies, allowed him to show clearly how the methodology worked.
Years later, he is still using the same approach, and has found that amateurs, as well as professionals, are keen to find out how markets work and how to improve their investment performance. This book contains those secrets.

About the 100 Strategies
The rules are based on two broad experiences. Firstly, my involvement with investing and trading has been an endless pursuit of looking for patterns and developing my own repeatable methodologies. I have wanted to turn an art into a science. Secondly, from so many conversations with intelligent and educated people, who are curious about markets, but have been unhappy with a lack of useful reading material.
The book is intended for anyone with an interest in trading or investing, whether they are amateurs or professionals. The laws grew out of a series of popular lectures that I gave in my early career and out of the process of training new people to trade the markets.
Perhaps a unique thing about my approach in this book is that I have developed a framework which is applicable to all markets, whether they are bonds, money market, commodities, currencies, stocks, or property. The more I have learnt about these markets the more I have been convinced that it is sensible to approach them the same way. This is very useful, especially when some markets are underperforming.
This is a serious book. It is definitely not a «how to get rich quick» trick. I have presented my observations and interpretations as laws for practical purposes. It incorporates equally a lot of groundwork analysis of markets.
In finance there has been a gap between practitioners and the theoreticians. I intend to bridge that gap with a solid and, at times, theoretical explanation for my observations. Nevertheless, I have presented the material in a personal way. It is light hearted, with lots of anecdotes. I have not done endless amounts of research on each of the laws, so at times I may have erred on the detail. However it is always the concepts that are important, as these are what I am trying to get across.