
Различные книги в жанре Физика

Диалогика стилей в науке. Физика. Методические материалы по изучению истории физики в 7, 8 и 11 классах.

В. Ю. Пузыревский

В пособии кратко даны представления о диалогике стилей с точки зрения истории и методологии науки и об основных диалогических подходах гуманистического образования. Рассматриваются педагогические рекомендации по организации учебного процесса в русле диалогики стилей, а также приводятся тексты по истории трёх крупных дискуссий в физике, которые могут быть использованы в качестве содержательной и методической основы занятий со школьниками. Примером, отражающим подходы к организации учебных занятий в духе идей данного пособия, служат Рабочие тетради для школьников 7, 8 и 11 классов («Диалогика стилей в науке. Физика. Рабочая тетрадь по истории дискуссий в физике»).

Green Energy

Группа авторов

Like most industries around the world, the energy industry has also made, and continues to make, a long march toward “green” energy. The science has come a long way since the 1970s, and renewable energy and other green technologies are becoming more and more common, replacing fossil fuels. It is, however, still a struggle, both in terms of energy sources keeping up with demand, and the development of useful technologies in this area. To maintain the supply for electrical energy, researchers, engineers and other professionals in industry are continuously exploring new eco-friendly energy technologies and power electronics, such as solar, wind, tidal, wave, bioenergy, and fuel cells. These technologies have changed the concepts of thermal, hydro and nuclear energy resources by the adaption of power electronics advancement and revolutionary development in lower manufacturing cost for semiconductors with long time reliability. The latest developments in renewable resources have proved their potential to boost the economy of any country. Green energy technology has not only proved the concept of clean energy but also reduces the dependencies on fossil fuel for electricity generation through smart power electronics integration. Also, endless resources have more potential to cope with the requirements of smart building and smart city concepts. A valuable reference for engineers, scientists, chemists, and students, this volume is applicable to many different fields, across many different industries, at all levels. It is a must-have for any library.

Speech Acoustic Analysis

Philippe Martin

The text sets out in simple and accessible terms the various methods of acoustic analysis of speech, placing them in their historical context, allowing a better understanding of the mathematical and technical solutions adopted today in phonetics and experimental phonology. Without mathematical complications, the operating bases of the many speech analysis software currently available are exposed so that everyone can understand the limits and avoid errors and misinterpretations in their implementation.

Übungsbuch Physik für Dummies

Steven Holzner

Sie wollen ein einziges Buch, das Sie trotzdem perfekt für Ihre Prüfung vorbereitet? Kraft, kinetische Energie, Thermodynamik, Elektrizität sind nach diesem Buch keine Fremdwörter mehr. Im »Übungsbuch Physik für Dummies« finden Sie über 350 Aufgaben, Lösungen und Erklärungen zu den Kerngebieten der Physik. So können Sie Ihr Wissen festigen und die nötige Sicherheit gewinnen im Umgang mit dieser manchmal recht kniffligen Naturwissenschaft.

Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines

Yong Bai

The technology, processes, materials, and theories surrounding pipeline construction, application, and troubleshooting are constantly changing, and this new series,  Advances in Pipes and Pipelines ,, has been created to meet the needs of engineers and scientists to keep them up to date and informed of all of these advances. This second volume in the series focuses on flexible pipelines, risers, and umbilicals, offering the engineer the most thorough coverage of the state-of-the-art available. The authors of this work have written numerous books and papers on these subjects and are some of the most influential authors on flexible pipes in the world, contributing much of the literature on this subject to the industry. This new volume is a presentation of some of the most cutting-edge technological advances in technical publishing. The first volume in this series, published by Wiley-Scrivener, is  Flexible Pipes , available at www.wiley.com. Laying the foundation for the series, it is a groundbreaking work, written by some of the world’s foremost authorities on pipes and pipelines. Continuing in this series, the editors have compiled the second volume, equally as groundbreaking, expanding the scope to pipelines, risers, and umbilicals.  This is the most comprehensive and in-depth series on pipelines, covering not just the various materials and their aspects that make them different, but every process that goes into their installation, operation, and design. This is the future of pipelines, and it is an important breakthrough. A must-have for the veteran engineer and student alike, this volume is an important new advancement in the energy industry, a strong link in the chain of the world’s energy production

Control of Mechatronic Systems

Patrick O. J. Kaltjob

A practical methodology for designing integrated automation control for systems and processes Implementing digital control within mechanical-electronic (mechatronic) systems is essential to respond to the growing demand for high-efficiency machines and processes. In practice, the most efficient digital control often integrates time-driven and event-driven characteristics within a single control scheme. However, most of the current engineering literature on the design of digital control systems presents discrete-time systems and discrete-event systems separately.  Control Of Mechatronic Systems: Model-Driven Design And Implementation Guidelines  unites the two systems, revisiting the concept of automated control by presenting a unique practical methodology for whole-system integration. With its innovative hybrid approach to the modeling, analysis, and design of control systems, this text provides material for mechatronic engineering and process automation courses, as well as for self-study across engineering disciplines. Real-life design problems and automation case studies help readers transfer theory to practice, whether they are building single machines or large-scale industrial systems.  Presents a novel approach to the integration of discrete-time and discrete-event systems within mechatronic systems and industrial processes Offers user-friendly self-study units, with worked examples and numerous real-world exercises in each chapter Covers a range of engineering disciplines and applies to small- and large-scale systems, for broad appeal in research and practice Provides a firm theoretical foundation allowing readers to comprehend the underlying technologies of mechatronic systems and processes  Control Of Mechatronic Systems  is an important text for advanced students and professionals of all levels engaged in a broad range of engineering disciplines.