
Различные книги в жанре Поэзия

The Couple

Mark Rudman

Pleasure Dome

Yusef Komunyakaa

<P>Best known for Neon Vernacular, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1994, and for Dien Cai Dau, a collection of poems chronicling his experiences as a journalist in Vietnam, Yusef Komunyakaa has become one of America's most compelling poets. Pleasure Dome gathers the poems in these two distinguished books and five others—over two and a half decades of Komunyakaa's work. In addition, Pleasure Dome includes 25 early, uncollected poems and a rich selection of 18 new poems.</P>


Adam Dickinson

The poems of Anatomic have emerged from biomonitoring and microbiome testing on the author's body to examine the way the outside writes the inside, whether we like it or not. Adam Dickinson drew blood, collected urine, swabbed bacteria, and tested his feces to measure the precise chemical and microbial diversity of his body. To his horror, he discovered that our «petroculture» has infiltrated our very bodies with pesticides, flame retardants, and other substances. He discovered shifting communities of microbes that reflect his dependence on the sugar, salt, and fat of the Western diet, and he discovered how we rely on nonhuman organisms to make us human, to regulate our moods and personalities. Structured like the hormones some of these synthetic chemicals mimic in our bodies, this sequence of poems links the author’s biographical details (diet, lifestyle, geography) with historical details (spills, poisonings, military applications) to show how permeable our bodies are to the environment. As Dickinson becomes obsessed with limiting the rampant contamination of his own biochemistry, he turns this chemical-microbial autobiography into an anxious plea for us to consider what we’re doing to our world – and to our own bodies.

Night Became Years

Jason Stefanik

Night Became Years is poetry in the sauntering tradition of the flâneur. Stefanik loafers his way over sacred geography and explores his own mixed heritage through the lexicon of Elizabethan canting language. Comparing the terminology of fifteenth-­century English beggar vernacular with a contemporary Canadian inner­-city worldview, the poems in Night Became Years unfold as separate entities while at the same time forming a larger narrative on the possibilities of poetry today and the nature of mixed­-blood identity.

The Master of Insomnia

Boris A. Novak

A collision between contemporary poetics and the Renaissance lyric, between aestheticism and political engagement, The Master of Insomnia is a collection of Slovenian poet Boris A. Novak's verse from the last fifteen years, including numerous poems never before available in English. In these sensitive translations, Novak stands revealed as both innovator and observer; as critic Aleš Debeljak has written: «The poet's power in bearing witness to Sarajevo and Dalmatia, to his childhood room and his retired father, to the indifferent passage of time and the desperate pain of loss, confirms the melancholy clairvoyance of Walter Benjamin, who stated that what is essential hides in the marginal, negligent, and hardly observed details. Whoever strives to see the „big picture“ will inevitably overlook the essential . . . [Novak's] wide-open eyes must watch over both the beauty of this life and the horror of its destruction.»

Seven Whole Days

Ayodeji Malcolm Guite

Malcolm Guite is a well-known and respected English poet, singer-songwriter, Anglican priest, and academic, widely acknowledged for his writings on the intersection of religion and the arts. His poetry was once characterized as “modern-day metaphysical poems and psalms.” He has written 5 books of poetry, of which Seven Whole Days may be one of his finest. Artist Faye Hall has taken Guite’s poetic sequence in Seven Whole Days and turned it into a splendid visual celebration of God’s good Creation. In this sequence of seven poems, each celebrates a day of creation, concluding with the Sabbath day of rest. Hall has visually reimagined each line in a series of beautiful meditations displaying how God’s glory shines out in all the world. The book is splendidly illustrated and an excellent resource for personal meditation and enrichment.

Как жизни яркой воплощение

Гульжиан Павловна Садыкова

Поэтический сборник, как путь к самовыражению и пониманию с интересными событиями в гармонии с Фэн-Шуй. Вниманию читателя предлагается перечень произведений, в которых отражен захватывающий автобиографический стиль, где тесно переплетаются исторические события с романтическими приключениями. На обложке фото автора.

Дама в красной шляпе

Кирилл Геннадиевич Станишевский

Далеко идущее сценическое продолжение цикла произведений "Космическая роза", где раскрывается масса сюжетных поворотов цивилизационной значимости. Содержит нецензурную брань.

Квадролиум – Космическая роза

Кирилл Геннадиевич Станишевский

Полный цикл поэтических произведений, включающий в себя научную мысль, футурологию, фантастику и теоретику. Содержит нецензурную брань.