Научная фантастика

Различные книги в жанре Научная фантастика

Двери иных миров

Роберт Хайнлайн

Давно понятно, что автор культовой книги «Чужак в стране чужой», настольной у поколения «детей цветов» и ставшей символом всей нарождающейся контркультуры, знаменитого романа «Дверь в Лето», прочно занявшего место в большой литературе рядом с «Вином из одуванчиков» Рэя Брэдбери и «Цветами для Элджернона» Дэниела Киза, ушел в своем творчестве за тесные рамки жанра и стал писателем общечеловеческого масштаба. В данном сборнике Роберт Хайнлайн играет на территории знаменитого фантазера Рэя Брэдбери – играет и выигрывает! Тут вы найдете самые разные и самые необычные истории. Это полудетектив-полуфантазия «Неприятная профессия Джонатана Хога» – повесть об иллюзорности мира, который нас окружает. Рассказ «Наш прекрасный город» повествует о дружбе человека и странного существа, живущего на городских улицах. В книге есть рассказы о потерянной и возвращенной любви («Человек, который торговал слонами») и о доме, каждая дверь в котором ведет в непривычные для тебя места («В скрюченном домишке»). И о том, как вернуть себя, распавшегося на множество двойников («Все вы, зомби?..»). А еще о том… Впрочем, откройте книгу и всё узнаете сами.

Ложные Боги Иден. Книга I. Дороти

Максим Наджиб

Вы спросите – "как вообще можно радоваться хамсину", и будете правы. Хамсин – это нередкая для летних месяцев песчаная буря весьма неслабых масштабов. Из тех, которые поднимают в воздух целые горы измельченного в пыль песка, который не просто снижает видимость до практического нуля, но и электризуется, напрочь сбивая работу всего внешнего оборудования. Мир вокруг становится невидимым, оставляя бледные, окрашенные в оттенки оранжевого силуэты, как будто все, оба солнца угасли, и наступил конец света. На забытом Богом-Машиной пограничном блокпосту номер 17 "Дороти" приходу хамсина всякий раз радовались. Этот раз не был исключением.


МеРи Назари

В свое совершеннолетие своенравная Принцесса Великой Империи вступает в династический брак, о чем давно уже трепетно мечтают семья и общество. Но не судьба Наташи Ростовой ожидает Ее Императорское Высочество. В брачную ночь появляется пришелец и ставит Принцессу перед выбором. Семья, борьба за престол и власть уходят на второй план. Сначала месть за таинственную смерть подруги, затем освоение внегалактического Трапписта и только потом все остальное. Жизнь подсовывает свои варианты развития событий: естественные законы, мистика, религия…Как выбраться из этого месива? На помощь приходит Солнце.

Age of Blight

Kristine Ong Muslim

What if the end of man is not caused by some cataclysmic event, but by the nature of humans themselves? In Age of Blight, a young scientist's harsh and unnecessary experiments on monkeys are recorded for posterity; children are replaced by their doppelgangers, which emerge like flowers in their backyards; and two men standing on opposing cliff faces bear witness to each other's terrifying ends.Age of Blight explores a kind of post-future, in which the human race is finally abandoned to the end of its history. Muslim's poetic vignettes explore the nature of dystopia itself, often to darkly humorous effect, as when the spirit of Laika (the Russian space dog that perished on Sputnik 2) tries to befriend a satellite, or when Beth, the narrator's older sister, returns from the dead. The collection is illustrated throughout by the charcoal drawings of RISD artist Alessandra Hogan.In haunting and precise prose, Kristine Ong Muslim posits that humanity's downfall will be both easily preventable and terrifyingly inevitable, for it depends on only one thing: human nature.

UniteDead Kingdom

Stuart Irving Irving

Can you be a selfish misanthrope and still a survivor in a brutally violent new world? <br><br>It is Britain in the year 2030. Zan is an unstable, arrogant and successful trader in the City of London, fighting to suppress painful memories. Tragedy strikes when not only his success comes to an end but his very life is threatened by a darkness let loose on the world, a darkness caused by those who abandoned him. Now he must rediscover himself and prove to others just what he&#39;s capable of in order to get revenge … or redemption.<br><br>Journey with him as he meets fellow survivors and formulates a plan to save both himself and his country. Along the way he discovers what happens to love, trust and the truth when you&#39;ve lost everything. And when the end is nigh, can he confront his damaging past and still overcome the odds to save his and everyone&#39;s future … ?

3014 A.D. The Evolve Trilogy 'Rise Of the Goddess'

Seakiel Ashe

It&#39;s 1000 years in the future, mankind has discovered &#39;God&#39; through science, this intelligent power now utilized by billions, the purest of fuel, a vast power that can never deplenish. As billions live in colossal floating metropolises, cradled in the sky, high above man&#39;s expectations and humble beginnings, the universe seems to blossom with intergalactic friendship and goodwill. <br><br>Science is now a sister of esoteric spirituality, both intertwined in a world were humans live to the best of their abilities, truly understanding their immortal rights as living gods. Humankind is not alone in their advanced understanding, contact was made with the first intelligent alien race some 985 years ago. 1,000 years later, over 20,000 alien races are known, living side by side with humans, sharing their particular cultures, language, foods, goods as well as love. In a highly advanced world where high esoteric magic is utilized as a source of fuel, all seems perfect, even the old gods, once thought to be delusions held my many, have taken on physical form, their appetites for life just as grand.<br><br>This world seems to the utopia that mankind has been craving for thousands of years, that is until an innocent discovery is made, one that will threaten the lives of 5 friends and lovers, chasing them from dimension to dimension, world to world.<br><br>3014 A.D. follows the courageous lives of 5 people, some chased, kept from the clutches of death, others chasing death, traveling back ages through time, unraveling plans that will endanger billions, all while falling in love and discovering exotic new worlds, within themselves as well as all around.<br><br>No one is safe – danger is everywhere. But so is life and love.

The Hum

Ralph Anderson

Few people think for themselves anymore. Bombarded 24/7 by radio, television, internet, cellular microwaves, satellite signals and low frequency electromagnetic radiation, society is inundated with electronic visual, auditory and subliminal messaging. What effect does this have on our mental well being? Is there a deliberate sinister conspiracy at work to take over our thoughts and control our decisions?<br><br>&#39;The Hum&#39; by Ralph Anderson explores the factual mysterious hum that has plagued the world for over fifty years. Heard by only an estimated two percent of the population, from Largs, Scotland to Bristol England to Kokomo, Indiana to Taos, New Mexico, The Hum has caused insomnia, anxiety and suicide for those unfortunate who hear it. Why do only some people hear this ultra low frequency hum? Is it real or is it just tinnitus? That is a question that has baffled investigators, scientists and doctors for decades. Is there a correlation between The Hum and acts of violence? Amazingly, not only has no one ever been able to find a source for The Hum, no one has ever been able to record it.<br><br>Explore one probable source of The Hum as Ralph Anderson connects the dots between actual world events in his speculative, thought provoking book.

Aqueous Passage

Krystyna Faroe

Book II in the Elanclose series, Aqueous Passage continues the adventures of the four clans.<br><br>On board the Genoa Fern has developed a friendship with Oak&#39;s antagonist, Elm. Alongside the Lakellers they follow the airship that flies ahead of them as they travel through the Aqueous Passage.<br><br>On the airship Avila Rose Denver is preparing for what may lay ahead. His alliance with Oak has become stronger. He finds an Aviatilian willing to become part of the rebellion. Aware that they travel to danger they collude in the hope that joined they will have the strength to fight Kisin.<br><br>In Elanclose the winds have brought unease. Willow has known that troubled times are ahead and now she must face her fears. Taking to the forest she is enlightened by the aura&#39;s and finds her fate has a different direction than what she&#39;d thought.<br><br>In the Citan City trouble is forming. Washington has his sights set on claiming more power and making the Citan City stronger. Without Denver to question his actions he looks toward Elanclose Forest and what benefits may lie there.<br><br>A gripping novel of conflict and power struggles in the midst of which love fights to survive.

The Tides of Altamar

Brian Gonzalez

The Cataclysm which destroyed Earth catches up with the fleeing survivors aboard Interstellar Ship One, and a young Colonial Corps Governor struggles against a harsh planetary environment and political opposition to establish a new colony. Additionally, the first generation of humans born away from Earth starts looking for trouble, and a desperate woman fights against Ice-Ship law for her right to be a mother.

Adventures of Space Cadets 101: Weddings

Darryl Dean Wright

This 254 page E-Book of 95,000 words is the third book in a series about a wealthy family of the future.<br><br>The Houstons adventure into space where they take on space pirates and many kinds of aliens. As technology advances, so do their ships until they pilot the most advanced ship in the universe. The risks, thrills and challenges of space exploration are many and diverse – even to the point of occasionally having to struggle against Earth Defense Forces.