Научная фантастика

Различные книги в жанре Научная фантастика

Human's Burden

Damien Broderick

Poor Jack Wong is a clueless cadet at the Unified Space Academy when his pod is stranded on a planet of disgusting aliens. All he wants to do, other than escape, is to fulfill his proud duty to advance Earth Culture's Primary Heuristic: «Wherever possible, find the weak spot in an alien civilization and interfere as much as possible for the benefit of humanity.» It's the Human's Burden! But everything comes unstuck, made worse by his irritating Machiavellian AI. And that's just the start of Jack's troubles in space and time....

After the Collapse

Paul Di Filippo

From the swarming, last-redoubt towers of the polar regions, where humanity huddles from the savage heat of Greenhouse Earth, to the dusty refugee camps of a shattered America; from the virtual reality landscape where teenagers seek to repair a wounded planet, to the post-human globe populated by wily transgenic heirs to mankind; and, lastly, across the ideology-splintered ruins of the U.S.A…a cast of dedicated survivors tries to make the best of what’s left behind, picking up the pieces of their lives and arranging them in new patterns of hope and dreaming. Here are six riveting tales of life during the hard-luck times of a post-holocaust planet.

Nature's Shift

Brian Stableford

Peter Bell the Third, accidentally named from the title of a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley, is called upon to renew his old friendship with Rowland Usher, who was deliberately named after the protagonist of a story by Edgar Allan Poe. In the new House of Usher that Rowland is growing in the Orinoco Delta, Usher explains the scientific work in genetics that he’s doing there to Peter, while they both mourn Rowland’s dead twin sister, Magdalen, who has apparently committed suicide for reasons that no one quite understands. As a scientist, Peter is inevitably convinced, when he discovers Magdalen’s “ghost” haunting the house, that the haunting can only be figurative and symbolic—but that does not make it any less meaningful, or problematic. A marvelous new novel in this long-running series by a master of biological extrapolation.

The Second Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

Robert Silverberg

Hours of great reading await, with tales from some of the 20th century's most renowned science fiction authors, Here are 25 science fiction stories: <P> WHAT’S HE DOING IN THERE? by Fritz Leiber<BR> THE MARCHING MORONS, by C.M. Kornbluth<BR> GHOST, by Darrell Schweitzer<BR> DEATH WISH, by Robert Sheckley<BR> THE WAVERIES, by Fredric Brown<BR> ADAM AND NO EVE, by Alfred Bester<BR> FOXY LADY, by Lawrence Watt-Evans<BR> THIN EDGE, by Randall Garrett<BR> COMPANDROID, by Nina Kiriki Hoffman<BR> POSTMARK GANYMEDE, by Robert Silverberg<BR> KEEP OUT, by Fredric Brown<BR> THE HATE DISEASE, by Murray Leinster<BR> UNIVERSAL DONOR, by Nina Kiriki Hoffman<BR> THE GREEN BERET, by Tom Purdom<BR> MR. SPACESHIP, by Philip K. Dick<BR> BRKNK'S BOUNTY, by Jerry Sohl<BR> THE BATTLE OF LITTLE BIG SCIENCE, by Pamela Rentz<BR> THE EGO MACHINE, by Henry Kuttner<BR> THE MAN FROM TIME, by Frank Belknap Long<BR> THE SENSITIVE MAN, by Poul Anderson<BR> REVOLUTION, by Mack Reynolds<BR> THE THING IN THE ATTIC, by James Blish<BR> KNOTWORK, by Nina Kiriki Hoffman<BR> THE DUELING MACHINE, by Ben Bova and Myron R. Lewis<BR> THE PLANET SAVERS, by Marion Zimmer Bradley <P> And don't forget to check out all the other volumes in the «Wildside Megapack» series! Search on «Wildside Megapack» in the ebook store to see the complete list…covering adventure stories, military, fantasy, ghost stories, and more!


Jack Dann

This is one of a series of anthologies of science fiction and mystery stories by Borgo Press writers that are being distributed at cost as both ebooks and paperback volumes. The first volume in the sequence, Yondering, includes a baker's dozen of original and reprint tales by fourteen writers. <P> In «The Quills of Henry Thomas,» W. C. and Aja Bamberger give us a glimpse of a future in which music is composed through DNA computing. «The Gizzard Wizard» is Rory Barnes's delightful sequel to his young adult SF novel, Space Junk. John Gregory Betancourt's engaging «The Darkfishers» envisions a shanghaied Earth colony stranded on the back of a huge crustacean on an ocean planet. Sydney J. Bounds, in «Guinea Pigs,» portrays a future dominated by cutthroat corporations. <P> "Outside Looking In," by Mark E. Burgess, takes the «world in a bottle» theme–and turns it upside down. Victor Cilinca's «Siegfried» demonstrates the folly of taking those «primitive» aliens too lightly. Michael R. Collings's «The Calling of Iam'Kendron» is a stirring prequel to his epic science-fantasy novel, Wordsmith. In Arthur Jean Cox's «Evergreen,» we find that long life is not always what it's cracked up to be. <P> Award-winning author Jack Dann depicts, in «Mohammed’s Angel,» an all-too-plausible future in which cultures, sensibilities, and terrorist acts are inextricably mixed. «Ultra Evolution,» by John Russell Fearn, is a cautionary tale about the advancement of man—not always a good thing! Sheila Finch's «Miles to Go» is the moving story of a wheelchair marathoner faced with a crucial decision. Mel Gilden relates mankind's first encounter with aliens in «The Little Finger of the Left Hand.» Last, and certainly not least, Ardath Mayhar's poignant «The Next Generation» shows the human race forced to make a crucial decision about its survival.

The Ming Vase and Other Science Fiction Stories

E.C. Tubb

Cartwright House is a secret government military project. The men and women living there have been given the best food, comfort, and recreational facilities. But they're prisoners, forbidden to leave and closely guarded. For these people have very special powers. And then one man does escape, and Special Agent Don Gregson of the CIA is delegated to find him–and quickly. This is just one of four great stories of the aliens living among us, including «Trojan Horse,» «Agent,» and «The Inevitable Conflict.» First-rate SF tales by a master storyteller.

The Time Free Zone

Gregory J. McKenzie

This is a fast story about something that may or may not exist outside our galaxy.

South Africa Odyssey

Michael Tyquin

It is early December 1898. New South Wales is about to send its first contingent of soldiers to South Africa to join British forces in the empire's fight against the Boers. It will be accompanied by the New South Wales Field Ambulance. Young Sydney doctor Mark Dunkley, a new and relatively junior officer in the Ambulance receives notice to join his unit for service abroad. We follow him during the excitement prior to embarking for the sea voyage, the development of his first romance, the activities of his unit, and the humour and tragedy that play out in wartime. The story unfolds against the backdrop of a brutal conflict and the reaction of men and women to this new type of warfare.

The Barkuu

Lauren Wright

A mysterious cloud appears in space and then envelopes the planet for a day; to avoid cataclysm, humanity digs in. When they emerge, they find the air scrubbed clean, and massive metallic objects strategically placed throughout the world. <br /><br />A new society forms from the ashes, will humankind survive?


Patrick Rizio

What is the potential of the human mind? <br />Jason Patrick LaCost is gifted with a genius level IQ, the ability to feel what other people are thinking and a passion for solving problems. As research head of a large biotech company, Jason makes discoveries that revolutionize agriculture, but pose a threat to corporations that control the planet's food chain. When a corporate shark wants to steal Jason's discoveries things get ugly. Jason's boss has his back, and calls on an old friend and security specialist for help and extra muscle. <br />Jason falls for art teacher Alison Russo, and together they take seven-year-old Sarah into their care. It becomes clear that Sarah is an evolved human whose intellect is off the charts. Jason and Sarah develop a mental and intellectual bond that normal minds have never achieved. <br />Jason's continuing research leads to bigger and more important discoveries, which bring bigger and more dangerous corporate bad guys who threaten his work, his family and his life. Jason and his extraordinary friends band together to fight off the threats, becoming like family in the process.