Научная фантастика

Различные книги в жанре Научная фантастика

Into the Unknown

John Russell Fearn

A laboratory accident suddenly sends four modern-day humans backwards in time, their individual organic bodies almost untouched by the phenomenon, while the physical world around them gradually retreats through the ages. Onward and onward they careen through the past, until they appear in the vividly green Carboniferous Age, filled with overwhelmingly excessive vegetation, festering swamps, and fetid lagoons. The accumulation of rotted vegetation is everywhere around them, vegetation that will eventually become peat, and then through accumulating pressures and chemical change, hard black coal–coal for a future that has already been destroyed. Paradoxes of time–infinite and complete–surround them. But what can they actually do to save themselves…?

The Space Warp

John Russell Fearn

In Annex 10 in the Adirondack Mountains in New York, the scientists under the leadership of astronomer Dr. Gray can hardly believe the things their instruments are telling them; but, because their equipment is absolutely reliable, they HAVE to believe, and on that ill-fated June 30th, they begin to see the chaos will affect mankind. The Earth is growing steadily hotter. Temperatures rocket as the sun shines through the night and the world is plunged into endless day. Everywhere people are suffering–rich and poor, criminal and family man–and none know if or when relief will ever come. Is this the end of the world as we know it?

A Stranger in Paradise

Edward M. Lerner

A Stranger in Paradise, by Edward M. Lerner, collects five of the bestselling author's science fiction stories: The Night of the RFIDs, Two kinds of People, Better the Devil You Know, Small Business, and A Stranger in Paradise.

Countdown to Armageddon

Edward M. Lerner

Hezbollah has obtained an atomic bomb and a would-be martyr eager to deliver it-and that's the good news. The bad news, unknown even to Hezbollah, is that their physicist has also found a way to take his new bomb back to a turning point in European history. Harry Bowen, an American physicist, and Terrence Ambling, a British agent turned historian, are determined to stop Abdul Faisel and prevent the nullification of all Western civilization. Their mission can be accomplished, if at all, only in the darkest of the Dark Ages. And there, too, time is running out…

The Green Memory of Fear

B. A. Chepaitis

On Prison Planetoid Three, Jaguar Addams uses her empathic gifts to make criminals face the fears that drive their heinous acts. Very few escape the telepathic web she weaves around them . . . until now. When Jaguar takes on a home planet assignment, investigating a psychiatrist on trial for abuse of a little boy, she finds a killer unlike any she’s faced before. Dr. Senci’s psi skills are a match for her own, and unless she consents to do as he wants, he’ll use them to kill everyone she loves. Once she realizes who and what he really is, she leaves the Planetoid to go after him. But Supervisor Alex Dzarny isn’t about to let her go it alone, even if it means losing his own life to save hers.
“Another enthralling adventure in the legend that is Jaguar.” – Lisa Dumond, SF Site

Balance of Power

Brian Stableford

The planet Attica has two continents: Lambda and Delta. The indigenous alien population being restricted to Delta, Earth's colony was planted on Lambda. Before the arrival of the Daedalus, two sailing ships had set out from Lambda to cross the ocean separating the two continents, and neither had returned. Now a third is on its way, and Mariel Valory and Alex Alexander of the Daedalus have hitched a lift, in order that Mariel might use her talent to try to make contact with the aliens. Unfortunately, it turns out that contact has already been made, and that the aliens are building an empire with the aid of borrowed Terran technology–an empire that's beginning to crack under its internal strains and eternal challenges. And when Alex and Mariel are marooned by their reluctant hosts, things start to go from very bad to much worse.... Daedalus Mission, Book Five.

The Paradox of the Sets

Brian Stableford

The final contact made by the Daedalus Mission begins badly, even before the ship makes a hard landing in the middle of nowhere. The situation of the colony doesn't seem to make any sense, and neither does the situation of the indigenous aliens–the Sets–that have helped the colony survive and thrive. Alex Alexander doesn't take long to work out a hypothesis that might explain the mystery–a hypothesis that the people on the ground have already worked out for themselves–and he's fortunate enough to fall in with a colonist who's obsessively determined to prove the hypothesis. Unfortunately, the quest seems likely to become so dangerous that both of them might die trying–and there's too much at stake not to take it to the very limit of possibility, no matter what the cost. The stunning conclusion (Book Six) of The Daedalus Mission series.

Touches of Wonder and Terror

James C. Glass

Here are eight stories of science fiction and fantasy to stir your emotions, amuse you, or give you a night of uneasy sleep. There are fun-loving aliens on tour, a vision quest in the Badlands of North Dakots, a protocol hostess with a most unusual employer, and a cursed knife blade uncovered by children. A space traveler is seduced by a musical, cosmic voice, and a film critic discovers true realism. A warrior learns what valor really is, and a woman climbing a dangerous mountain is aided by a strange being from the past. Great reading from a master wordsmith!

Slaves of Ijax

John Russell Fearn

A scientist’s vengeance propels Peter Curzon seven hundred years into the future, where he finds himself in a very mysterious world. Science has banished the need to work in order to earn money, and people only pursue activities as a vocation and by choice. But everyone is also engaged on a Great Task–constructing gigantic towers, with no discernible purpose, following the orders given to them in the temples of Ijax, a mysterious Buddha-like entity worshipped as a god. Peter alone seems immune to the influence of Ijax, and unless he can penetrate to the root of the mystery, mankind appears to be doomed. Another grand sci-fi adventure from the golden age.

The City of the Sun

Brian Stableford

The fourth landing of the Daedalus Mission confronts Alex and his companions with a colonial culture seemingly modeled on a classic Utopian dream, but all of its inhabitants are infected with a mysterious alien parasite, and they no longer seem entirely human. Are they being controlled by the parasite, or has the parasite merely enabled them to transform themselves? Can the visitors from Earth avoid infection themselves, and what will the consequences be if they cannot? For once, the risks of the contact seem potentially far greater than any possible reward–but that still leaves the visitors with the necessity of passing judgment and deciding what to do, in an exceedingly awkward situation. Daedalus Mission, Book Four.