Научная фантастика

Различные книги в жанре Научная фантастика

Kingpin Planet

John Russell Fearn

The Cosmic Crusaders are plunged into a strange new space, where all the probabilities of electronic law are strangely altered, a complete and stunning inversion of all so-called natural laws. They discover the mysterious silver planet of Tuca, and deep below its surface they find an enigmatic machine–the legacy of a vanished race. Masters of science, they had overreached themselves by constructing a strange machine that could alter the very laws of nature. But the machine had destroyed its creators, and blasted a neighboring planet into a cosmic cinder…and unless the Cosmic Crusaders can stop it, it may destroy the entire universe! Another epic space adventure of the Golden Amazon, John Russell Fearn's most famous and enduring character!

The Shadow People

John Russell Fearn

The Cosmic Crusaders discover a planet whose people are subject to a baleful influence from outer space that sweeps across their world once a month, affecting every man, woman, and child. It stirs the emotions of the sexes against each other: men want only to destroy women, and women men. Only those with higher types of mind can resist the mental attack–the less fortunate are left dead or maimed after the Wave has passed. But when the Crusaders identify and destroy the apparent source of the problem on a nearby planet, they inadvertently precipitate an even greater menace. Can this new threat somehow be overcome? The eleventh exciting space adventure of the Golden Amazon and her companions!

Valley of Pretenders

John Russell Fearn

Science fiction author Stanley G. Weinbaum died from cancer at 33 in December 1935. Short though his career was, his scientific imagination, smooth characterizations, and pervasive humor completely revolutionized the field, and profoundly influenced his contemporaries. Among his many imitators was English writer John Russell Fearn. Although his own distinctive work was very popular in the SF magazines of the time, the ambitious Fearn wanted to increase his number of acceptances by writing under pseudonyms in the style of Weinbaum! In the late 1930s, the American SF magazine market boomed, and all of Fearn's Weinbaum pastiches found billets. These intriguing stories are here identified and collected for the first time, with fascinating background notes. This is the second volume of two must-have collections, the first of which was published as World Without Chance. Great science fiction adventure reading from the golden era of the pulps!

World in Reverse

John Russell Fearn

Continuing their cosmic crusade among the stars, the Golden Amazon and her three companions discover a planet in another space where intelligent beings are being created, not through normal biological processes, but spontaneously, fully-grown, fashioned from the very chemicals of another planet. The mystery deepens when they discover that the synthetic race (and the planet it inhabits) is evolving backwards! Determined to solve these mysteries, the Crusaders find themselves up against the Mithons, a sadistic alien race led by a being known as the Supreme One. In the ensuing battle of science between two different universes, the Crusaders find themselves locked in a grim duel…with death the only prize for the losers! Another grand space adventure in this action-filled, long-running series!

Guilty as Charged: Fantastic Crime Stories

Philip E. High

In some parts of the world, self-confessed murderer Leonard Graham would have been executed, or even given life imprisonment for his monstrous crime. At his trial, he had confirmed to the court that he'd only met the man he'd shot a few hours before. Prior to that one meeting, he'd never seen him before in his life. The accused had offered no reason for his apparently unprovoked and savage attack, shooting his victim repeatedly at point-blank range. He was sentenced to five years in a psychiatric ward. But Graham DID have a reason for his actions–a weird secret that he'd deliberately kept to himself, choosing instead to plead…GUILTY AS CHARGED! Seven gripping tales of murder, crime, and the fantastic!

World Out of Step

John Russell Fearn

The Cosmic Crusaders find themselves on a truly strange world–a misfit planet that seems mysteriously cursed. Instead of evolving naturally from birth to death, it's a world out of step with the universe, leaping ahead into the future at unexpected moments. With each 50-year «step,» much of the population dies, and the young replace them as middle-aged individuals. The Crusaders are suspicious that the adviser to the planet ruler is actually an alien from another world, and is causing the constant time dislocations for nefarious purposes. But when he traps the Golden Amazon and her three companions, sending their spaceship crashing onto a neighboring world dominated by huge, dinosaur-like creatures, the Crusaders appear to have met their match.
Another stirring sci-fi adventure by a master storyteller!

Invasion: Earth vs. the Aliens

Robert Reginald

When the first Martian capsule lands, Alex Smith is drawn to the scene out of curiosity and wonder. But soon he must flee, when the great alien striders begin devastating the countryside and harvesting the living bodies of men and women to drain their blood. Smith wanders south, being drafted into the Army, witnessing major battles between the Martians and the American troops, and following the trail of destruction all the way to San Francisco. There he finds a city deserted of human life. Mankind seems doomed, unless… A grand science-fiction adventure, inspired by H. G. Wells's War of the Worlds. War of Two Worlds, Book One.

Alien Abduction: The Wiltshire Revelations

Brian Stableford

When Steve, a hapless school teacher, consults a hypnotherapist to solve his personal problems, he «remembers» being abducted by aliens. When he starts attending sessions of Alien Abductees Anonymous (AlAbAn), he sees a pattern in the stories being told, and thinks his own experiences might provide a key. While his love life continues to deteriorate, Steve must grapple with questions of where the aliens might originate, and what their activities portend for the future of the human race. A remarkably original science-fiction comedy.

Дочь леса

Сергей Криворотов

Столкновение с иной, почти не представимой людьми, формой разума едва не закончилось катастрофой. Люди не могли даже предположить, что инопланетный лес, который они начали безжалостно вырубать ради ценной древесины, разумен. А ведь Лес долго пытался найти взаимопонимание с незваными гостями. Он даже вырастил человеческую девочку, и ее удочерили местные колонисты, так и не поняв, что она часть Леса, а не человек. Поймут ли люди и Лес друга друга? Или начнется никому не нужная война?


Mack Reynolds

In Rolltown, Mack Reynolds turns his productive imagination towards the growing phenomenon of mobile living in America. Taking us decades into the future, he tells the story of a world where people have taken to the road en masse, in huge mobile «towns» composed of hundreds or even thousands of inhabitants, attempting to deal with a hostile and over-organized world.