Зарубежные любовные романы

Различные книги в жанре Зарубежные любовные романы

Где живет моя любовь

Чарльз Мартин

Когда семнадцать месяцев назад, в канун Нового года, Мэгги открыла глаза, я почувствовал себя так, словно прозрел. Опустившись на колени, я протянул к Мэгги руку и больше уже не сдерживал ни слез, ни крупной дрожи, сотрясавшей мое тело. Я плакал как ребенок. И Мэгги тоже. Довольно долгое время мы были не в силах произнести ни слова. Да и что сказать? С чего начать?..

Tormi kütkeis. Pikselöögi triloogia 1. raamat

Барбара Фритти

Kui Alicia Monroe isa lennuk kunagi äikesetormis teadmata kadunuks jäi, muutus kõik äikesega seonduv tüdrukule kinnisideeks. Nüüd töötab naine Miamis ajalehefotograafina, tegeldes päeval palgatööga ja jahtides õhtuti kaameraga torme. Kord piksenooli pildistades tundub talle, et ta sattus peale mõrvale, millele välgusähvatus valgust heitis, aga sündmuskohale jõudes ei leia ta eest muud kui mereväe ametimärgi, millel Liliana Valdeze, paari kuu eest kadunuks jäänud naise nimi…

Armastus Prantsusmaal

Барбара Картленд

„Ei, papa! Ma ei suuda uskuda, et sa ei taha mind enam siia!“ Kui Marina Fullertoni armastatud ema ratsutamisõnnetuses hukkub, tabab neiut õud, kui isa saadab ta minema nende Londoni Harley Streeti kodust, öeldes, et ei suuda tütart enam enda lähedal taluda. Tütarlaps pakib asjad, et sõita Pariisi perekonnasõprade juurde, saatjaks teenijanna Ellen…

Bomber Boys

Patrick Bishop

In ‘Fighter Boys’ Patrick Bishop brought to life the pilots who flew Spitfires and Hurricanes in the summer of 1940. Their skill and bravery decided the Battle of Britain, which saved the nation from invasion and created the conditions for Hitler's defeat.In ‘Bomber Boys’ he tells a different but equally fascinating story. The 125,000 men from all over the world who passed through Bomber Command were engaged in a form of warfare that had never been fought before and never would be again. Between 1940 and 1945 they flew continuously, stopping only when weather made operations impossible. For much of that time they were the only warriors capable of hitting Germany in its own territory. There was nothing romantic about their struggle. Often barely out of boyhood they lived on bleak bases, flying at night on long, nerve-racking missions that often ended in death. The odds of surviving were stacked heavily against them. In all 55,000 were killed, nearly one in ten of all the British and Commonwealth dead.Despite these sacrifices, the Bomber Boys have remained on the edges of our collective memory of the war. When the fighting stopped they became something of a a political embarrassment. Their actions have been the subject of a controversy that continues to the present, obscuring not only the losses they suffered but also the courage, comradeship and fortitude with which they fought.In this powerful and moving book Patrick Bishop describes compellingly the character, feelings and motivations of the bomber crews and pays tribute to their heroism and determination. They were among the best of their generation, who were called on to carry out one of the grimmest duties of the Second World War. ‘Bomber Boys’ brilliantly restores these men to their rightful place in our consciousness.

Good Time Girl

Kate O’Mara

There’s love on camera, but what’s going on behind the scenes?Popular soap opera The McMasters, set in the international art world, has been drawing huge audiences for nearly a decade, but ratings have started to slip.Beautiful and talented Claire Jenner is brought into the series and makes an instant hit. Recently recovered from a disastrous relationship, she embarks on a red-hot affair with Geoffrey Armitage, star of the show. Geoff is dazzled, but not so the rest of the cast. Cast aside by the philandering (and married) Geoff is the gorgeous but untalented Patsy. Seething with jealousy, she plots her revenge.Centred on the turbulent private lives of the cast of a long-running series, Kate O’Mara’s sizzling novel gives us an insider’s close-up on the world of television soap opera.

All Fall Down

Erica Spindler

Murder? Or justice…?Men are dying unexpectedly in Charlotte, North Carolina – all victims of bizarre accidents. Or so it seems, until Detective Melanie May realises these men had something in common: they all slipped through the fingers of the justice system, accused of abuse but allowed to walk free.It looks like someone is taking justice into their own hands. And the more Melanie investigates, the more she begins to fear it might even be someone she knows. But one thing is certain, this killer will stop at nothing until all fall down. . .

Daughters of Fire

Barbara Erskine

The sweeping new novel from the bestselling author of LADY OF HAY switches between Roman Britain and the present day where history dramatically impacts on the lives of three women. The Romans are landing in Britannia… Cartimandua, the young woman destined to rule the great Brigantes tribe, watches the invaders come ever closer. Her life has always been a maelstrom of love, conflict and revenge, but it only becomes more turbulent and complicated with power. Her political skills are threatened by her personal choices, and Cartimandua finds she has made formidable enemies on all sides as she faces a decision which will change the futures of all around her. In the present day, historian Viv Lloyd Rees has immersed herself in the legends surrounding the Celtic queen. Viv struggles to hide her visions of Cartimandua and her conviction that they are real. But her obsession becomes more persistent when she finds an ancient brooch that carries a curse. Bitter rivalries and overwhelming passions are reawakened as past envelops present and Viv finds herself in the greatest danger of her life.

Minu isanda soovil

Margaret Moore

Skandaalne vanne Adelaide oli vandunud mitte iial abielluda, mitte iial lasta ühelgi mehel nõuelda ei ennast ega oma maid. Sellepärast tõrjus leedi Adelaide kuninga õukonda saabudes õnneotsijaid lausa karjakaupa. Kuid kui lossikoridorides kuuldud salasosinad viisid ta abikaasat otsiva vapra rüütli embusesse, hakkas ilus pärijanna oma vandes kahtlema.

Герцог покупает невесту

Софи Джордан

Юная Элис вынуждена жить с нелюбимым мужем. Но совсем скоро она разорвет эти узы и выйдет замуж за своего избранника Ярдли, друга детства. Ярдли должен просто… купить Элис на аукционе: таков обычай в этих краях. Но в день торгов Ярдли куда-то исчезает, и Элис покупает молодой красавец, герцог Маркус… Благородный мужчина хочет отпустить девушку, но Элис понимает, что уже успела влюбиться… С каждым днем они с герцогом становятся все ближе. После жаркой ночи, исполненной страсти, Элис понимает, что не может жить без этого мужчины. Но почему герцог упрямо скрывает свои чувства? Ведь его прикосновения говорили совсем о другом…

Diabelska działka

J. R. Ward