Зарубежная деловая литература

Различные книги в жанре Зарубежная деловая литература


Edgar Guillermo Solano

Innovación para Cabezas Cuadradas no es un libro,es una pintura colorida de finos trazos que cuando la tenemos al frente nos invita a ser apreciada,a que seamos creativos y nunca dejemos detener capacidad de asombro en una búsqueda permanente de lo posible; en su lienzo plasma historias humanas y cotidianas que se desprenden de la experiencia y el conocimiento que con generosidad nos entrega su autor Edgar Guillermo Solano. Con un pincel auténtico y cercano delinea el mundo de las ideas, la observación y la motivación para que no nos dejemos vencer por los obstáculos y podamos transformar el presente y descubrir y encontrar un futuro mejor para las personas, las empresas, las organizaciones y la sociedad.
Edgar Guillermo Solano, es uno de los expertos más influyentes en temas de innovación en Latinoamérica. Ha sido gerente de Marketing en Hewlett Packard, es director de la firma Centro de Innovación y cofundador de la red Iberoamericana de innovación: reddeinnovacion.com

Puro Management

Alejandro Cardozo

Alfred Chandler no sólo introdujo hace varias décadas el análisis estratégico en las organizaciones sino que otorgó al management un poder particular como «mano visible» en la coordinación de flujos y asignación de recursos en las empresas en reemplazo de aquella «mano invisible» del mercado. Pero cómo es esa mano visible hoy en las empresas locales; ¿cómo administran y dirigen los gerentes?; ¿cómo están formados y qué herramientas utilizan?¿cuál es el alcance del trabajo significativo para la motivación de sus colaboradores?; ¿qué culturas y liderazgos dominantes se identifican en sus empresas? Sobre la base de más de 2.000 encuestas realizadas en los últimos años en empresas de Capital Federal y Gran Buenos Aires, aplicación de modelos clásicos y revisión crítica de literatura publicada, la obra aborda estas y otras muchas cuestiones ligadas al management actual y sus protagonistas, managers, colaboradores y emprendedores, permitiendo así contextualizar y actualizar cómo lo llevan a cabo diariamente.

Touristische Routen

Bente Timm

Mit Erfolgsfaktorenkatalog! Touristische Routen haben in Deutschland eine lange Tradition. Bereits vor 100 Jahren wurden die ersten mit dem Ziel gegründet, die touristische Wertschöpfung in der Destination zu steigern. Dieses Ziel gilt bis heute. Trotz der lange Historie gibt es kaum Literatur, die das Thema theoretisch beleuchtet sowie auf den aktuellen Routenbestand, Erfolgs- und Qualitätskriterien eingeht. Genau diese Lücke schließt Bente Timm. Ihr Buch hilft als kompakte Leitlinie bei der Entwicklung und dem Management.

Feedback consciente

Gabriel Paradiso

Es una obra ágil, refrescante, útil y práctica del potente mundo del feedback. Fiel a su estilo personal, Gabriel Paradiso nos presenta un material con realismo, profundidad y calidad, muy bien estructurado con una combinación fantástica de modelos conceptuales, herramientas, investigaciones, ejemplos, historias y desafíos. Nadie hasta ahora había reunido tanta información sobre dar y recibir feedback.

Cómo construir tu marca personal en LinkedIn

Ariel Benedetti

¿Buscás desarrollar una carrera corporativa? ¿Querés ser un líder influenciador? ¿O transformarte en un consultor referente en tu sector? ¿No sabés como impulsar tu marca personal? En todos los casos hay un punto en común. Vas a tener que dejar de ser un CV online y trabajar duro para desarrollar tu marca personal y consolidar tu reputación profesional. Con más de 6 millones de usuarios en la Argentina, LinkedIn es la red social profesional, por anotonomasia, que nos permite impulsar nuestra carrera y generar negocios.

"Sin dudas, esta obra es la guía definitiva, en habla hispana, para profesionalizar tu gestión personal y la de tu empresa en LinkedIn". ―SEBASTIÁN GIL Sr. Partner Manager LATAM de IMS Representante comercial de LinkedIn en Latinoamérica

Mejores prácticas de marketing en el Perú

Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas UPC

Este libro, iniciativa de la Asociación Nacional de Anunciantes (ANDA) y la Carrera de Administración y Marketing de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), es el primero de una serie que busca compartir, cada año, algunos de los nuevos casos que van llegando al Premio ANDA. De esta manera, estudiantes, profesionales y emprendedores podrán ver, de manera concreta, cómo se puede lograr efectividad en las actividades y excelentes resultados de negocio a través de propuestas innovadoras que se inician en el ámbito del marketing y de las comunicaciones.

Only People Make Their Own History

Samir Amin

A collection of Samir Amin’s ten most influential essays of the 21st century Radical political economist Samir Amin left behind a cherished oeuvre of Marxist writings. Amin’s intellectual range—from economics to culture—was admirable, and his lessons remain essential. Monthly Review Press is honored to publish this volume, culled from the Monthly Review magazine, of ten of Samir Amin’s most significant essays written in the twenty-first century. The collection is introduced by Amin’s friend and comrade, the Marxist philosopher Aijaz Ahmad, who provides a comprehensive survey of Amin’s life and path-breaking work. Ahmad also offers a contextual focus by which to read such stunningly astute pieces as “Revolution or Decadence?” and “Contemporary Imperialism.” Only People Make Their Own History is a loving and enlightening look at what the work of Samir Amin has meant—and will mean— to millions of people the world over.

Union Power

James Young

If you're lucky enough to be employed today in the United States, there's about a one-in-ten chance that you're in a labor union. And even if you’re part of that unionized 10 percent, chances are your union doesn't carry much economic or political clout. But this was not always the case, as historian and activist James Young shows in this vibrant story of the United Electrical Workers Union. The UE, built by hundreds of rank-and-file worker-activists in the quintessentially industrial town of Erie, Pennsylvania, was able to transform the conditions of the working class largely because it went beyond the standard call for living wages to demand quantum leaps in worker control over workplaces, community institutions, and the policies of the federal government itself. James Young's book is a richly empowering history told from below, showing that the collective efforts of the many can challenge the supremacy of the few. Erie's two UE locals confronted a daunting array of obstacles: the corporate superpower General Electric; ferocious red baiting; and later, the debilitating impact of globalization. Yet, by working through and across ethnic, gender, and racial divides, communities of people built a viable working-class base powered by real democracy. While the union's victories could not be sustained completely, the UE is still alive and fighting in Erie. This book is an exuberant and eloquent testament to this fight, and a reminder to every worker—employed or unemployed; in a union or out—that an injury to one is an injury to all.

Forging a Laboring Race

Paul R.D. Lawrie

Foregrounds the working black body as both a category of analysis and lived experience “How does it feel to be a problem?” asked W.E.B. DuBois in The Souls of Black Folk . For many thinkers across the color line, the “Negro problem” was inextricably linked to the concurrent “labor problem,” occasioning debates regarding blacks’ role in the nation’s industrial past, present and future. With blacks freed from the seemingly protective embrace of slavery, many felt that the ostensibly primitive Negro was doomed to expire in the face of unbridled industrial progress. Yet efforts to address the so-called “Negro problem” invariably led to questions regarding the relationship between race, industry and labor writ large. In consequence, a collection of thinkers across the natural and social sciences developed a new culture of racial management, linking race and labor to color and the body. Evolutionary theory and industrial management combined to identify certain peoples with certain forms of work and reconfigured the story of races into one of development and decline, efficiency and inefficiency, and the thin line between civilization and savagery. Forging a Laboring Race charts the history of an idea—race management—building on recent work in African American, labor, and disability history to analyze how ideas of race, work, and the “fit” or “unfit” body informed the political economy of early twentieth-century industrial America.

Behind the Invasion of Iraq

The Research Unit for Political Economy

"This book contributes significantly ot the conversation seeking to understand the international forces at play in the threatening war on Iraq."—Nelson Mandela «Behind the Invasion of Iraq . . .synthesizes the seemingly disparate threads of the U.S. war drive in a blistering indictment of American foreign policy . . .The effect is of puzzle pieces clicking into place.»—Counterpunch Since September 11, 2001, there have been many accounts of the ways in which the alignment of global power is changing or will be changed by the U.S.'s «war on terrorism.» Most of them take as their starting point the options facing the wealthy and powerful nations of the world seeking to control an ever larger share of the world's resources. Behind the Invasion of Iraq is written from a different perspective, and one that makes possible a far more comprehensive point of view. Its authors, Research Unit for Political Economy, are rooted in the politics of a Third World country—India—which has long been on the receiving end of imperialist power. As a consequence, they have a more sober view of the workings of global power. In clear and accessible prose, weighing the evidence carefully and tracing events to their root causes, they move beyond moral outrage to a clear view of the process being set in motion by the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. They show that the invasion of Iraq is a desperate gamble by a section of the U.S. ruling elite to preserve their power, driven by the wish to stave off economic crisis through military means. Their efforts will not end with Iraq, but will require the recolonization of the middle East. Behind the Invasion of Iraq exposes the idea that war will bring democracy to the Middle East as so much propaganda. In a context where so many rulers are themselves clients of the United States, the war is aimed not at the rulers but at the masses of ordinary people whose hostility to imperialism has not been broken even by corrupt and autocratic rulers. This book describes the remaking of global power with a truly global awareness of what is at stake.