Discipline: Selected Quotes And Words Of Wisdom. Everbooks Editorial

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Discipline: Selected Quotes And Words Of Wisdom

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9783969531419

Автор произведения Everbooks Editorial

Жанр Книги для детей: прочее


Издательство Bookwire

DISCIPLINE: SELECTED QUOTES AND WORDS OF WISDOM-GOLDEN QUOTES bring you a compilation of the very best quotes from the worlds most iconic humans takes on DISCIPLINE, including:Jordan PetersonSeneca, James ClearDavid GogginsBill MasurEd LatimoreShane ParrishJohn C. MaxwellRobert GreeneMarcus Aurelius And Many More!-GOLDEN QUOTES is a collective of passionate individuals that love to appreciate timeless wisdom compiled and compressed into insightful quotes.Our main goal is to infect you with motivation and inspiration to live life and engage with it at its fullest.-SOME EXAMPLES:Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most.Abraham Lincoln-I dont stop when Im tired. I stop when Im done. David Goggins (Cant Hurt Me)-The more self-discipline you have, the more you do the things you should do, the happier your future self will be. Maxime Lagacé-The successful among us delay gratification. The successful among us bargain with the future. Jordan Peterson-No random actions, none not based on underlying principles. Marcus Aurelius