The Whenabouts of Burr: A Science Fiction Novel. Michael Kurland

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The Whenabouts of Burr: A Science Fiction Novel

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781479407859

Автор произведения Michael Kurland

Жанр Научная фантастика


Издательство Ingram

Someone has taken the original document of the U.S. Constitution and substituted another. The substitute is identical, just as old, and equally authentic – except it has been signed by Aaron Burr! It contradicts history, but it is real and there for everyone to see! <P> Such a crime calls for out-of-this-world detective work. There must be alternate Americas – and one of them must be an American union that Burr helped shape. With a few impossible coins, the path is indicated…and the search for THE WHENABOUTS OF BURR begins! It's a hunt through all the alternate-universe Americas that might have been – with Alexander Hamilton to point the way and Aaron Burr to block it! <P>A classic science fiction novel combining future, past, and present in a super-science history mystery! Features a new introduction by Michael Kurland.