The Cosmic Crusaders: The Golden Amazon Saga, Book Eight. John Russell Fearn

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The Cosmic Crusaders: The Golden Amazon Saga, Book Eight

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781479409754

Автор произведения John Russell Fearn

Жанр Научная фантастика


Издательство Ingram

The unfolding story of the Golden Amazon enters a new phase when she renounces all ties with the Earth, the planet of her birth. Together with her husband Abna, former Lord of Jupiter, and their daughter Viona, she sets off in the Ultra on an exploratory journey to the stars. Their first mission takes them to the strange worlds of the two suns, Alpha and Proxima Centauri. Here the Amazon encounters Mizanu, the embodiment of evil, and her most deadly foe yet–for the creature is nothing less than a planet-sized, hypertrophied brain! Not even Abna, the master of metaphysics, can withstand its baleful, crushing mental power. Mizanu threatens to reach out beyond the Alpha-Proxima Centauri system to engulf the Earth and all the other inhabited planets of the universe–unless the Golden Amazon can destroy it first! The eighth exciting adventure in this ongoing saga!