"My four women from a dream”. Play on 7, 6, 5, 4 or 3 people. Nikolay Lakutin


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"My four women from a dream”. Play on 7, 6, 5, 4 or 3 people

Год выпуска 2020

isbn 978-5-532-07230-5

Автор произведения Nikolay Lakutin

Жанр Драматургия


Издательство ЛитРес: Самиздат

Sleep is such a large layer of life for each of us. How many interesting things are happening on the other side of memory. To the hero of our story in a dream come beautiful maidens who seek to tell him what will play a key role in the turning point of the life of an ordinary guy. Whether he hears, understands, or can learn the lessons from the dream and apply them in real life, see the great Comedy with a pleasant aftertaste "My four women from a dream»