Louisa Young

Список книг автора Louisa Young

    Sa lahkusid vara

    Louisa Young

    „Sa lahkusid vara” on erakordse helluse ja kohkumatu aususega kirjutatud raamatu autori hingeülendavast ja ülivalusast armastusest kirgliku, ainulaadse ja karismaatilise Robert Lockharti, võrratu pianisti ja helilooja, lootusetu alkoholisõltlase vastu. Nende katkendlik armastuslugu kestis kolm aastakümmet. Nad liikusid vapralt edasi, tundes siiski kogu aeg kandadel Roberti alkoholismi, mille suhtes nad olid abitud ja mis mõjutas Roberti isiksust, tõi kaasa tema invaliidistumise ja lõpuks pärast raskelt kättevõidetud viit aastat kainust ka surma.
    Autor avab oma armastatu traagilise haiguse tagamaad, aitab mõista selle julmust ja pöördumatuid tagajärgi nii haigele kui teda armastavatele inimestele, näitab, kui oluline on armastada ja hoolida, aidata kõik jõuvarud kokku võtta, uuesti alustada.
    Autori sügav otsekohesus parandab teistegi alkohoolikut armastanud inimeste haavu ja aitab paremini aru saada alkoholismist, kõigist sõltuvustest laastavaimast tõvest.
    Louisa Young sündis Londonis, õppis Cambridge’is ajalugu, alustas oma karjääri ajakirjanikuna ja on nüüd tunnustatud briti romaanikirjanik.

    My Dear I Wanted to Tell You

    Louisa Young

    A letter, two lovers, a terrible lie. In war, truth is only the first casualty. ‘Inspires the kind of devotion among its readers not seen since David Nicholls’ One Day’ The TimesWhile Riley Purefoy and Peter Locke fight for their country, their survival and their sanity in the trenches of Flanders, Nadine Waveney, Julia Locke and Rose Locke do what they can at home.Beautiful, obsessive Julia and gentle, eccentric Peter are married: each day Julia goes through rituals to prepare for her beloved husband’s return. Nadine and Riley, only eighteen when the war starts, and with problems of their own already, want above all to make promises – but how can they when the future is not in their hands? And Rose? Well, what did happen to the traditionally brought-up women who lost all hope of marriage, because all the young men were dead?

    You Left Early

    Louisa Young

    ‘Extraordinarily powerful’ Emma ThompsonThere are a million love stories, and a million stories of addiction. This one is transcendent.Louisa Young met Robert Lockhart when they were both 17. Their stop-start romance lasted decades, in which time he became a celebrated composer and she, an acclaimed novelist.This is both a compelling portrait of a lifelong love affair, and an incredibly affecting guide to how the partner of a 'charismatic, infuriating, adorable, self-sabotaging’ alcoholic can find the strength to survive when the disease rips both their lives apart.

    Tree of Pearls

    Louisa Young

    Scintillating comic-romantic thriller, a finale to Louisa’s fab Egyptian trilogy: what life will Angeline choose?The final volume in the Angeline Gower trilogy, following ‘Baby Love’ and ‘Desiring Cairo’.Our angel is back. Angeline Gower is back home in Britain, back safe, back in her own bath. And, right on cue, that’s when trouble arrives, back for another bout with her. But this time she’s going to see it off for good….There’s trouble in the form of her nemesis, her Russian roulette – wiseguy wideboy Eddie: he’s on the loose again, and who would the police send out to Egypt to trace him if not Evangeline? Then there’s trouble of another more painful, more joyful sort altogether: the trouble she has choosing between safe, solid, sensitive Harry, and hot, haughty, harmonious Sa’id. So, out among the sensuous wonders of Luxor, on the mobile and on the hoof, our angel shimmies and swerves with all her ex-belly dancer’s supple style through a series of emotional chicanes. Now and again, in a particularly tight corner, she spins off, but she always regains control and surges forward to seize the life and future she deserves for those she loves and, triumphantly, for herself.

    Desiring Cairo

    Louisa Young

    The sparky, funny sequel to Louisa Young’s acclaimed first novel of belly-dancing, motorbikes and single-parenthood.Angeline Gower, ex-bellydancer, ex-biker, single mother of a little girl who is not actually her child, is mired in problems again in this wonderful sequel.Her relationship with Harry, the lover turned cop, remains fraught, the lure of the glamorous but no good Eddie hasn’t gone away. And there is yet another element complicating things know – the seductive and mysterious Sa’id. With Angeline older and a little wiser, Louisa Young weaves a tale that is richer, sexier and more moving than ‘Baby Love’, while remaining just as exciting. Shifting between Shepherd’s Bush and Cairo, full of the contrasts between the West and the Middle East, ‘Desiring Cairo’ thrills and enthralls while at the same time making us think and feel deeply about the love between mother and child, man and woman, friend and friend.Louisa Young has skilfully written this so that it is equally enjoyable read on its own, or as part of the trilogy that starts with ‘Baby Love’ and ends with ‘Tree of Pearls’.

    Baby Love

    Louisa Young

    A fast-paced literary thriller in which ex-belly dancer Evangeline’s fight to protect three-year-old Lily draws her into the seedy underworld of her past – the first book in Louisa Young’s celebrated Anglo-Egyptian trilogy of Evangeline Gower novels.Evangeline is a single parent whose child is the daughter of her sister, who was killed in a motorbike accident. Evangeline, who was driving the bike, sustained injuries which put an end to her belly dancing career. She now leads an exemplary life, writing and looking after Lily. But when she gets into trouble with the police, she is drawn into the shadowy world of drug dealers, pornographers and bent coppers that seems to have bizarre connections with her sister’s past.With a plot that makes you rush to the end, this is a thriller without violence, a romance without sentiment and a brilliantly exciting novel.

    Heroes' Welcome

    Louisa Young

    You Left Early

    Louisa Young

    Heroes' Welcome

    Louisa Young

    A Great Task of Happiness: The Life of Kathleen Scott

    Louisa Young

    Louisa Young, the best-selling author of MY DEAR I WANTED TO TELL YOU is also the granddaughter of the celebrated sculptor, Kathleen Scott. In A Great Task of Happiness: The Life of Kathleen Scott she tells us about an extraordinary woman and a celebrated artist.Kathleen Scott led a remarkable life despite an unremarkable start as a Victorian girl in a normal, middle class family; but she went on to grab life by the reigns and lead an extraordinary life. Her gift as a celebrated sculptor, her role as wife to Captain Scott of the Antarctic and her circle of artistic influencers was quite something.And here, in this biography, is captured the energy of a life lived to the brim, and a masterly account of a woman who up until now was only known as an explorer’s widow.Discover the story of Kathleen Scott.