James Montier

Список книг автора James Montier

    Käitumusliku investeerimise taskuraamat. Kuidas mitte olla iseenda suurim vaenlane

    James Montier

    Investori peamiseks probleemiks, ja paljuski tema suurimaks vaenlaseks, on ei keegi muu kui tema ise. Selle ebamugava tõeni on jõudnud terve armaada jagu tarku mehi, teiste seas James Montier. Piisab vaid pilgust investorite tegelikku kasumit kirjeldavale Dalbari uuringule, et selles isegi veenduda. Viimase 20 aasta jooksul on S & P 500 tootlus olnud igal aastal veidi üle 8%. Aktiivsed haldajad võtavad sellest 1–2% ja nii võibki jääda mulje, et investeerimisfondi üksikinvestorid teenivad 6–7%. Tegelikkuses on aga investorite tootlus vähenenud napi 1,9%ni aastas. Seda suuresti põhjusel, et enamasti on ostu- ja müügitehinguid kõige halvemal võimalikul ajahetkel tehtud. Ent pilt ei pea sugugi nii trööstitu olema, leiab Montier. Seda küll üksnes juhul, kui õppida ära nõks või paar, kuidas paremaid otsuseid langetada. Sestap viibki ta lugeja ringkäigule kõige levinumate käitumuslike väljakutsete ja mõtteeksimuste rägastikku, pakkudes välja strateegiaid, mille abil kaasasündinud kalduvusi lõplikult murda. Lisaks destruktiivsetele käitumisviisidele ja levinud mõttevigadele, mida Montier on oma muljetavaldava karjääri jooksul professionaalide juures korduvalt märganud, analüüsib ta psühholoogilisi tegureid, mis sedalaadi vigu põhjustavad. Ta jagab praktilist nõu, kuidas neid enda juures märgata ning seeläbi oma portfelli ja kasumit kaitsta. Sõna saavad ka investeerimismaailma tuntud näod, kes on püüdnud juurutada investeerimisprotsesse, mille abil käitumuslikke eksimusi minimeerida.
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    The Little Book of Behavioral Investing. How not to be your own worst enemy

    James Montier

    A detailed guide to overcoming the most frequently encountered psychological pitfalls of investing Bias, emotion, and overconfidence are just three of the many behavioral traits that can lead investors to lose money or achieve lower returns. Behavioral finance, which recognizes that there is a psychological element to all investor decision-making, can help you overcome this obstacle. In The Little Book of Behavioral Investing, expert James Montier takes you through some of the most important behavioral challenges faced by investors. Montier reveals the most common psychological barriers, clearly showing how emotion, overconfidence, and a multitude of other behavioral traits, can affect investment decision-making. Offers time-tested ways to identify and avoid the pitfalls of investor bias Author James Montier is one of the world's foremost behavioral analysts Discusses how to learn from our investment mistakes instead of repeating them Explores the behavioral principles that will allow you to maintain a successful investment portfolio Written in a straightforward and accessible style, The Little Book of Behavioral Investing will enable you to identify and eliminate behavioral traits that can hinder your investment endeavors and show you how to go about achieving superior returns in the process. Praise for The Little Book Of Behavioral Investing «The Little Book of Behavioral Investing is an important book for anyone who is interested in understanding the ways that human nature and financial markets interact.» —Dan Ariely, James B. Duke Professor of Behavioral Economics, Duke University, and author of Predictably Irrational «In investing, success means¿being on the right side of most trades. No book provides a better starting point toward that goal than this one.» —Bruce Greenwald, Robert Heilbrunn Professor of Finance and Asset Management, Columbia Business School «'Know thyself.' Overcoming human instinct is key to becoming a better investor.¿ You would be irrational if you did not read this book.» —Edward Bonham-Carter, Chief Executive and Chief Investment Officer, Jupiter Asset Management «There is not an investor anywhere who wouldn't profit from reading this book.» —Jeff Hochman, Director of Technical Strategy, Fidelity Investment Services Limited «James Montier gives us a very accessible version of why we as investors are so predictably irrational, and a guide to help us channel our 'Inner Spock' to make better investment decisions. Bravo!» —John Mauldin, President, Millennium Wave Investments

    Value Investing. Tools and Techniques for Intelligent Investment

    James Montier

    As with his weekly column, James Montier's Value Investing is a must read for all students of the financial markets. In short order, Montier shreds the 'efficient market hypothesis', elucidates the pertinence of behavioral finance, and explains the crucial difference between investment process and investment outcomes. Montier makes his arguments with clear insight and spirited good humor, and then backs them up with cold hard facts. Buy this book for yourself, and for anyone you know who cares about their capital! —Seth Klarman, President, The Baupost Group LLC The seductive elegance of classical finance theory is powerful, yet value investing requires that we reject both the precepts of modern portfolio theory (MPT) and pretty much all of its tools and techniques. In this important new book, the highly respected and controversial value investor and behavioural analyst, James Montier explains how value investing is the only tried and tested method of delivering sustainable long-term returns. James shows you why everything you learnt at business school is wrong; how to think properly about valuation and risk; how to avoid the dangers of growth investing; how to be a contrarian; how to short stocks; how to avoid value traps; how to hedge ignorance using cheap insurance. Crucially he also gives real time examples of the principles outlined in the context of the 2008/09 financial crisis. In this book James shares his tried and tested techniques and provides the latest and most cutting edge tools you will need to deploy the value approach successfully. It provides you with the tools to start thinking in a different fashion about the way in which you invest, introducing the ways of over-riding the emotional distractions that will bedevil the pursuit of a value approach and ultimately think and act differently from the herd.