Jenny Colgan

Список книг автора Jenny Colgan

    Ranna tänava väike pagariäri

    Jenny Colgan

    Jenny Colgani liigutav ja naljakas romaan jutustab murtud südamega noorest naisest Polly Waterfordist, kes keerab oma elus uue lehekülje ja kolib mereäärsesse alevisse Mount Polbearne’i. Tema elupaigaks saab väike korter kunagises pagaritöökojas.
    Et unustada mured, hakkab Polly tegelema küpsetamisega, mis on ühtlasi tema lemmikhobi.
    Taina sõtkumine aitab maandada tundeid, saiapätsid aga muutuvad aina maitsvamaks. Peagi teeb Polly imet nii pähklite, seemnete, šokolaadi kui ka kenalt mesinikult saadud meega. Ammutades jõudu meelekindlusest ja loomingulisusest, mille olemasolust tal aimugi polnud, leiab ta uue särava elu paigast, kust ta kõige vähem lootis seda leida.
    „Ranna tänava väike pagariäri” on südantsoojendav rahvusvaheline bestseller, mille kaante vahelt leiab ka seitse isuäratava küpsetise retsepti.

    Do You Remember the First Time?

    Jenny Colgan

    Life doesn’t have a rewind button. Ever wished it did?Flora’s wish is about to come true, in a magical new novel about the ultimate second chance, from the bestselling author of WORKING WONDERS and AMANDA’S WEDDING.As her best friend Tashy cuts into her wedding cake, 32-year-old Flora realises she is disillusioned with life. Suddenly, her well-paid job, cosy flat and stable relationship with sensible Olly don't amount to a whole lot. Flora wants to be 16 again. She closes her eyes and wishes. Her wish has come true.Waking up the next morning is a shock. But now Flora has the chance to right some wrongs. Trading crows feet for pimples, love handles for a torso Britney Spears would kill for and dull dinner parties for house parties where White Lightning and snogging are the order of the day, Flora revels in a life where things are far less complicated and just much more… FUN.It's not all laughs though. Will what she does change the future? How can she get back to the present and her ordinary life? And does she even want to?